Binding in tricks?


I’ve recently been having problems with my yoyo binding or grabbing string in the middle of a trick and either slowing the speed harshly or stopping it all together? I was wondering if I could get any answers on maybe why its happening, or what I can do trick wise or yoyo maintenance wise to fix it? BTW I’m using a YYF space cowboy with red response and a stock bearing.


As long as the string is not super-old, you’ll just need to tighten up your play (probably).

Any time the yo-yo is sliding along the string and the string around your finger(s) is catching/grabbing (or if the string segments are catching on each other) it’s going to start winding around the bearing, and depending on the spin direction it may bind. You’ll want to control string tensions and the motion of the yo-yo to avoid this. Flat bearings can help a little, but not a lot.

Also, some complicated tricks with multiple wraps are helped by catching the yo-yo on a certain side of the yo-yo so that the string and loop around the bearing are not crisscrossing and can slide more freely. For example I found the first string hit on Nix on to be this way.

Yeah make sure the string isn’t too old and your response pads are seated correctly and broken in. Spin direction/tension are factors as well like Fiveironbrian said.

throw direction

Don’t move your yoyo in the opposite direction your yoyo is spinning. Friction will catch the yoyo and it will attempt to bind itself.