Best yoyo strings?

Hi all, not sure what the best yoyo strings for an arrow yoyo would be? Have any ideas? Turns out I just wasted 7 quid on some that break every 5 minutes. Any ideas?


See Cake’s String Reviews (String Saturday)
(But you prob want to go for thin or normal string bc the arrow has pretty tight response)


I like normal Original Throw strings when i use the Arrow but if you are using unresponsive Arrow any size would be good.


Strings breaking every 5 minutes really doesn’t sound right or good. What kind of strings were they and how to they break? Like are they always breaking close to the bearing?

Yeah near the bearing

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Yeah there is probably a rough spot that is cutting the strings. In which case this would happen with any strings. You can take the Yoyo apart and rub denim or leather on the inside of each half for a while like longer than you want to and that should fix the issue. Also look out for any noticeable dings or anything like that.