Best Yoyo of all Time

I’ve been yoyoing since 2019 as well. I like the grasshopper gtx, Alta, and the boy right now though

Best yo-yo of ‘all time’ is every yo-yo you don’t own, have yet to try and can’t afford to buy.


2A: Sunrise

0A Fixie: Rehnbow/ehknown. Hands down the most versatile wooden shape that I’ve ever thrown.

Modern Responsive: The Weekender

1A Steel: Mini Bowl D bearing

1A Aluminum: 4-way Tie - Bowl, Grail, The End pt.II, FH1Al

1A Titanium: 2-way Tie - DerTi; Tiramisu

Didn’t think too hard about it. Just what is gravitating towards my hand the most often recently.


I’d say the Topyo Steel over the Mini Bowl but yeah both great :facepunch::slightly_smiling_face:


Best yoyo of all time for me is the Opyoyos Spright, been only playing it since I got it.

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Hard to pick my favorite but i find myself picking up on a daily basis my Prime8 by MFD , Don by ZG and PV44 by FSYB on the wooden side i can’t put down the BloodCell.

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