Best throw if you did it all over?

Yeah. You are stepping out of the realm of yo-yos pushed on beginners (still not bad throws though) and stepping into the good stuff. And I’m certain you noticed the difference


More like slapped in the face and curbstomped by the difference. Even going from V10 to Bathysphere was night and 5 miles from a nuclear blast.

I haven’t even dropped $100 on a single throw yet (although, I have spend $100+ combined across a few)


I know that I’m dazzled by what some would consider mid performance throws. But I’ll never experience those very top tiers. I wouldn’t even try it in a Pay it Forward because I wouldn’t be able to replace it if something happened. I’ve spent nearly $100 on a few throws but not over, though that Parallel would end that streak. :rofl:


I’m not sure that performance increases above the mid-price level, unless it is based on some niche attribute that just hasn’t been offered at a lower price or requires exotic materials.

Premium-prices may still be justifiable for a lot of non-performance-related reasons (at least to me).


I know that I am super happy with what I have to throw right now and I don’t feel that constant nagging pull to try something else.


Quadmetal TI Magnesium Gold and Platinum with a rocket propelled throw or get outta mah house :joy:


I couldn’t pick a best, but in retrospect it would have been the most sensible to experiment with more <$50 options from C3 & TopYo to figure out what I preferred and then buy “ultimate” versions.

That said, how often does “most sensible” coincide with “most fun”?


It took me way to many yoyos to realize the fine differences are just feels that don’t really change the experience enough to worry about. I like the variety, but to pick one, I could just pick anything at random that fits the very basic profile of the Chief. That could be a $15 Magic YO3 Hertz or anything similar on up in price. Definitely not qualified to say what’s best because I tried several high end throws and each was just another great yoyo and none stood out. Hopefully someday I will have the skill to really notice subtle differences. Going to make a meme about that I think.

On the bright side, no regerts (or regrets), I like having the variety as long as fussing about what to throw doesn’t take away from enjoying them.


This thread is hilarious. It demonstrates the futility of garnering consensus. It is also a testament to how people interpret a question.

When I started to collect petrified wood years ago; I asked a well known collector the same question: What advice would you tell someone just starting out? He thought for a second and said: “Don’t waste your money on junk”.

If i had it to do over I would not waste my time on buying anything but Yoyorecreation. Although there will always be rivals (Turning point, JT) - I have found that over time; Yoyorecreation delivers the most innovative designs and the highest performance. Do not buy cheap Yoyorecreation - get their best.

There; take it or leave it.


There is, however, something to be said for cheaper throws. How can you appreciate the best if you don’t understand why it’s the best? And how else to best understand than to make the mistake yourself.

Tbf, pay it forwards might be a good way to try stuff while keeping your cost down. Although, personally, I’d much rather be able to just go to a store and try them, but good luck having a yoyo store in this old fart of a town. God forbid anything be any less than classy and expensive.


I’d like to add that these are relatively cheap on the BST, if you ever get the chance to buy one I would definitely recommend it over anything else at this point!

Just think about it, cool mix of V/W/H & O shapes, classy profile and cup lines, not too big nor too small, and uses the Side Effet axle system, meaning you could probably never destroy it no matter how dinged it gets. Besides, you can customize it the way you want! On top of all of that it’s not too big nor too small, just about right for everything really!

They come in Cerakote too, and if anyone happens to have one I’d be willing to make a deal haha. I’d like to know if others share my honest my opinion or if they got any criticism on this yoyo? I find it particularly interesting and rather one of the best OD models so far.


If I did it all over I’d buy all the Monkey Fingers and retire off the BST profits.


Yoyorecreation Dazzler.

And a pair of 720’s


Straight out of a 2013 thread involving Draupnirs lol

Never change geezer.

Anyways on topic, GTR-JS.

EDIT: Emotion as well.


That’s not throwing, that’s entrepreneuring!

Get’em boys!


2013 - 2024 - still the best. I am not talking Draupnir’s. They have made multiple amazing models over the following years. But consistently they are the best.

Yes; there are other manufacturers that are in the same league. I was simply saying if you buy Yoyorecreation you will always be up to date with the latest design trends while always maintaining superior performance.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this. Wish I’d found MFD 10 years ago and stockpiled them


I think my journey would be similar actually. I’ve barely been in deep for a year, but a few of my favorites (Titan, Klondike, Da Vinci) all came out pretty recently. I probably would get a GTR-JS a lot sooner than I did, but not too much change. Maybe only buy one The End Pt. II instead of two; I really like the acid wash but the plain orange one doesn’t see as much play. I still would have picked up Hades pretty early on and that awakened my love for heavy yos.


i’d stockpile tk 3-n-1 no jives, mandalas, and bc Apollos in the late 90’s. at the time it seemed like these were overflowingly available in new condition and not incredibly expensive, now they are much harder to come by.

I’d grab a few original Duncan freehands around 2002-2003… i was anti friction disc at the time ( you mean i gotta keep buying friction stickers to get response? naw man, money grab, lol.) and swerved to yoyojam stuff because they were doing all the cool experimenting with response design, bearing size, hybrids (metal rims) etc. fact is, the freehand is a legendary yoyo. the recent remake freehand one feels exactly how i would expect the original to play and its an all-around best yoyo for semi responsive play if you are into that old-school feel.

Also, yoyofactory 888 in 2007… i was not playing enough and I wasn’t on the fully unresponsive train back then. playing the new remakes makes me regret not getting an original at the time. i have had an 888 OG in my pocket alot since summer 2023.


I need either a YoyoFactory Essence or a Spinworthy Steadfast. Thats it.

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