Best responsive yo-yo for string tricks?

Hello everyone. I used to yo-yo from 1999-2005. Back then I used a Yomega Hyper Warp Wing. It would ride the strings so smoothly and had long spin times. (Well for back then it did) anywho, I was wondering if there is any ones available now that’s comparable to the performance of that yo-yo. There’s so many out now I just don’t know what to get. Thanks in advance.


Welcome to the Forums and get ready for lots of replies to your inquiry!


Hello and welcome @ZoSo31


This is what you want, you might get a lot of other responses, but based on what you just said I’m near positive this is what you want. It’s a modern Freehand One from 2001, it’s tug responsive out of the box and stays responsive. Spins for as long as you need it to. They’re really good. They’re 25 bucks.


Yoyofactory Whip
Recess First Base
iYoyo Shooting Star
(and, whoops, yes, the Duncan FH1)

Doc Pop makes a few if you’ve got a higher budget.


If you can find one Yomega remade the Hyper Warp Heavy Wing in 2011. It’s tug responsive while still being pretty darn playable.

Otherwise the new FH1 is your best bet.


I agree with the Freehand One recommendation. It plays amazing out of the box. Responsive, yet able to attack any trick you throw at it.

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