Best Pads?

Hey, I have a yoyo requiring large bearing pads. I’ve been messin’ around with the response, and I want to have the best possible pads in it. Right now I have one K-pad and one Ghost pad in it. What is best?


The best pads depends on the yoyos gap width, bearing and your personal preference.

Werrd Two fat Ladies with a KK

Manufacturer Werrd
Shape Butterfly / Wing
Weight (g) 67.10
Width (mm) 40.73
Diameter (mm) 52.68
Gap Width (mm) 4.41


Ghostpads without a doubt my man.

Thats how I play my tfls and 4xls.

I play mine with Gen-pads. One thick, one thin.

Thanks, Ill try gen pads!

How are Chaz Padz for 4XL and TFL?

Not sure mate haven’t tried them yet, ill have to hitup chaz. :wink:

I do like the way kentaros though.

like a yoyo its preference. you could try them all then get the best two and mix,or you could just use one. it’ll bring it back up, trust me. i currently use a vapor and silli combo because it ends up grinding the silli and the vapor last forever. (not really but long time)

I’ll just try Kentaro/ Chaz since I have both. ;D