I thought that this was an interesting take on my collection, and wanted to see how other people thought.
So after having collected however many yoyos I have, I’ve noticed that not all of the ones that I think are best are my favorite yoyos. I noticed it when I got both a C3 Speedaholic and a YYF Onestar. The Speedaholic was a better throw. It had more spin, maneuverability, and just really exceeded my expectations of a plastic yoyo. But I like my Onestar better. It’s more comfortable and performs better than good enough. I noticed I felt that way about others in my collection.
So what I though was people could list what they think are the 5 best throws that they own. Also, list the 5 favorite throws that you own. I think it would be interesting to not only think about, but see what others do and think.
So, my best 5:
1- YYF/Turning Point Proton
2- Duncan Barracuda
3- YYF Avant Garde
4- ILYY Sakura
5- Duncan Exit 8
And then my 5 Favorites
1- Duncan Exit 8
2- YYF/Turning Point Chaotic
3- Duncan Barracuda
4- YYJ SR-71
5- YYF/Turning Point Proton
Explanations of why you feel the way you do would be good, but I am not doing that right now, but may edit one in later. I just thought it would be interesting what people thought.
And don’t bash other’s preferences or opinion on his or her lists. Everyone is different and has different likes and expectations.
For “Best,” not necessarily what the community thinks, but what you think may be the most “tournament worthy.”
Here is an example
For a long time, YYJ Lynn Fury was what the community seemed to think was the best plastic yoyo. In my lists of “best plastics three years ago,” the Lynn Fury would not be there, because I think that the yoyo does not have good enough weight distribution to compete with a Speedmaker or a Duncan FHZ. Many other people may include it, but from the qualities I think a high performance plastic yoyo should have, the Lynn Fury doesn’t cut it for me.
However, while I may think an FHZ is a better yoyo, I may like throwing the Lynn Fury more because of comfort, or if I preferred a large bearing, or because of a better finish, or a better color, or whatever reason. It doesn’t have to be a logical reason; simply your own.
I’ll compare the Proton vs Exit 8 (My best vs my favorite) in a little more detail:
Proton has less vibe, a smoother finish, high stability, and awesome spin time. It feels like what I think a high performance, competition yoyo should feel like more than the other yoyos I own.
I find the Exit 8 to be more comfortable. It is my favorite yoyo to throw, and I feel that it complements how I play. And I like it’s “personality;” it breaks the “C Bearing” rule of modern yoyo design with great success.
So I like the Exit 8 more, even though I think the Proton is a better performing yoyo.
Draupnir (token contribution to the Draup hype machine)
Sleipnir (I could throw Dreadnought in here too, but that’d be boring)
5 Star (I feel like the Star is to the organic shape as the Sleipnir is to the V; fundamental and perfect)
Majesty (Performance and comfort, without compromising on either)
Albatross (Performance and comfort, without compromising on either, but slightly less so than the Madge)
CODE1 (every vote seemed to go the way I was hoping it would, so this ended up feeling like it was custom designed just for me)
Albatross (Crossover, baby! Why do I prefer this, even though, as I stated above, the Majesty is similar but better? I just do!)
Magnum (even though it’s essentially a super saiyan version of the 5 Star, objectively speaking, I don’t think this plays quite as well. However, the 5 isn’t as unique feeling, and doesn’t have the whole H.R. Geiger look)
Yelets (well, it’s my pocket throw, and it’s hard not to get attached to your pocket throw)
Stratos Another (it’s like a crippled puppy; you’ve have to have a heart of stone to not love this thing)
I had a really tough time trying to decide my 5 “best” throws. I have quite a few high ends, but struggled to determine the best. Here is what I came up with.
OD Markmont. Next
SPYY Addiction
Anti-yo Bapezilla.2
SPYY Orbitron 5000
YYF Cypher
When my Markmont. Classic arrives I expect it will breach the top performers, as well as take the top spot in my favorites. I’d really like to pick up a Draupnir eventually to top my top performance list. I’d also really like to eventually add a Sovereign, Magnum, and Freehand Mg, all of which would probably bump some of my current favorites out.
I never really think about which yo-yos are supposedly the “best,” in my collection. I buy what I think might appeal to me, based on it’s features or aesthetics. So, I rarely think of what other people would want out of the throws in my collection. So, I’m guessing that the most desirable, or best to others, is the more expensive stuff I have (for the most part). If someone could raid my collection, I think they would want these:
“So-Called” Best
Oxy 9.06
Oxy Hyperion
3yo3 Ti5
Anglam ver.cc
YYR Overdrive
My personal favorites:
Avant Garde
Exit 8
Anglam ver. cc*
Model 10
Code 2
Dark Magic II
There is about a 30% overlap. So, just as the OP stated, the so called “best,” may not be what you enjoy most.