Best cheap responsive-->unresponsive starter yoyo

I am going to be starting a yoyo club at my school and since there are going to be a lot of people that haven’t touched a yoyo since they were 5, I should recommend a cheap yoyo that can take them through the entire modern yoyo learning process. any thoughts or recommendations?


recess first base can be both responsive and unresponsive and is plastic so it doesnt rip your heart out if it dings


Aoe is my rec


First base are what I got for club and for the library collection cause I Stan recess. But honestly AOE, K2 crystal and any other plastic in that vain of yoyo work great. Pick one that looks cool and enjoy the throw.


YYF whips are cheap and work pretty well if you slap in an unresponsive bearing.

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I have a whip on the way bc of your recommendations!

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I haven’t personally played much in this category, but I’d definitely check out some of Magic YoYo’s offerings. Pretty much impossible to beat their bang for your buck from what I hear (K2 in particular). They often have kits with two yoyos, responsive & unresponsive bearings, a small case, a bearing tool, and/or extra strings for the same price as some low-end throws from other manufacturers.

If it doesn’t have to be dirt cheap, I’d strongly recommend the Shooting Star at $30. High quality yoyo for the money.

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i really think this yoyo or any yoyo with size A bearing like duncan freehand one is perfect, why? they starts out responsive and they become semi unresponsive, perfect for trying out bind, when you start you will want a yoyo that will reliably come back to your hand so you could throw them nicely, overtime you’ll eventually need to learn how to bind, and size A bearing yoyos have tight gap so you will learn bind easier, this is how i learned how to yoyo when i was on 6th grade


I’m going to second the AoE. Very good yoyo for the price and generally one of the better plastics on the market.


First base, aoe, offset accent, yj yoyo spinel are all great plastic starters. For metal I’d go recess firecracker or even better; the iyoyo passion. The passion was my favorite throw starting out. Comes responsive with extra bearing for unresponsive and at 53mm diameter it fits in your pocket well

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