What is the best bimetal yoyo for under $200? It needs to be stable, speedy, floaty, or pretty much every good attribute a good yoyo should have.
Try an Axis Pulsefire. It’s fast, speedy, stable…I’d say it feels a bit more solid than floaty but not so solid that it feels like a brick on a string. The construction of it as well feels top notch.
2Sickyoyos Knight is the best bi-metal out there right now in my opinion. I have a lot of the newer bi-metals and none of them touch it. i haven’t put it down since i got i. I feel it has all the benefits of a bi-metal and none of the drawbacks.
I really like the 2016 superstar… Haven’t tried another bimetal to compare to it.
Weekend is the best option along with nightmare and superstar.
I love my Sturm Panzer Schneider Mk-II. Too bad they aren’t available at yye.
I would say the Hideyoshi but that is cheating since it is technically a tri-metal design.
I love my iYoYo Steel, it’s a bit heavy, but worth it.I also am hearing pretty good things about the yoyofactory Nightmare.
By far the Throw Revolution Vertex, I played the Krown St, Knight, nightmare, and even draupnir and Anglam series. Non match the combination of solidness and speed of the Vertex. You can throw mad horizontals and speed tricks at it, it will chew through them all. Knight for me is a little too floaty. Draupnir is too light and I could not play them with as much confidence with the vertex.