Best Beginner Yo-Yo? Help? Please?

I am so happy and feel so blessed all of you guys have came my way. I think now I am getting both a velocity and a classic, maybe the classic first. All of you guys have been so rediculously helpful and I want to thank all of you. If you have any suggestions or tips for beginners, PLEASE let me know, but other than that, I think I know what I need/want and have a much better understanding of certain things. Thank you again everybody! =D

Yoyojam classic all the way. Get yourself two 10 packs of fat kitty string, and a regular size C bearing (for unresponsive play) and your good to go. DO NOT get a mosquito or flying squirrel!!! Trust me, Just don’t.

You told me just about everything I need to know. I guess I am all set on the velocity now. Every single one of you who have helped me out (everybody who has posted) are lifesavers! Thanks everybody for helping me out! This thread is done I guess. :smiley: :smiley:

Wait! One last thing! Should I get the regular velocity or the new velocity. I know that the new velocity is supposed better in just about every way, but, just making sure which one would be better for a beginner?

Probably the new, from what I’ve heard.

new. For sure.

Awesome! Ordering it tomorrow. Can’t wait! ;D

When you want a nice, cheap, unresponsive throw, just get a yoyojam classic, a yoyoexpert replacement bearing, and some YYJ pads, and your set!




I’ve owned Velocity, Classic, and Mosquito.

Mosquito is responsive-only, and it is FUN. If you haven’t placed your order yet, you should get one. BUT, I do think the other recommendations for “room to grow” weren’t off the mark either. Velocity was my first “real” string trick yoyo (I hardly count the Yomega Brain Wing XP, but it sorta worked) and it’s hard to beat. Great little yoyo. Only trick is that since you don’t really “know” how to set a yoyo up yet, you will probably have to futz with the dial a lot before you find the setting you like.

Classic is the most competent of the three as far as stability and spin time. It’s wonderfully responsive out of the box. You don’t actually NEED the silicone upgrade if you decide to learn to bind, but you do need a full-sized C bearing. And if you’re ordering the C bearing anyhow, might as well upgrade the response. :wink:

I know you’ve already made the selection (and you’ve chosen well!) but I wanted to throw this out there for anyone else who may have been reading.

Thanks for letting me know that GregP, I will EVENTUALLY get both of them. I think for the most part i know how to set the yoyos up. I’ll let you know which one I think is better one day. But what you told me is still nice to know, thanks. :smiley:

If you want a complete package that goes from responsive(where you’ll start) to unresponsive(where you’ll end up):
The YoYoJam Legacy II. The yoyo ships responsive. With the included full C sized bearing, you swap the bearing and end up full unresponsive. Under $25

If you want to do a little “Do it yourself” when it comes to upgrading this yoyo, buy a YoYoJam Classic, a YoYoJam Speed Bearing and YoYoJam silicone o-ring response pads. Under $20

If you want to fuss with responsiveness, then the YoYoFactory New Velocity is the way to go. You can twist the dials to adjust the response gap to go from way too responsive to dead unresponsive. Usually this is under $15.

Get both the Velocity and the classic, and you win. See what you prefer. I like the Velocity, since the Classic is too big for me. I guess we will see. If you only pick one, just ask yourself which one looks cooler. At your level (or any level), all it matters is you have fun. Both yoyos are plenty fun.

I never said that the FAST 201 would be the best choice. I just said that it would be a good choice.

I really should get a Classic just so I could full-heartedly recommend it. Not to mention, it is only $10.

Ordered the New Velocity a few hours ago. Can’t wait to see what will happen. :smiley: However since my luck is absolutely horrible with just about everything, it will probably not work somehow and avoid the warranty that it may come with >.> But thanks thought everybody. Hopefully this will work well and yes, I will eventually get the Classic and see which one I like better. And to brag, I got a 25 pack of red and black cotton strings XD ;D

You should have gone with 100% polyester.

Idk if I’m above average or no, but I’ve done it before… It wasn’t easy lol

You will be happy with the Velocity!
I started with a Velocity, and from an absolute beginner’s standpoint, I think it was perfect. After venturing into unresponsive, I started looking for a wider gap yo-yo with better spin time (for a beginner, not because it isn’t capable). If you are patient, you could stick with the Velocity for a long time. Personally, I like being able to switch throws when having difficulty on a trick, or just mastering a trick, because sometimes it helps and it eases the frustration.

The adjustability of the Velocity, especially transitioning from very responsive to semi-responsive to unresponsive is fantastic, and it gives you a lot to experiment with.

Two things:
Lube: don’t even bother with lubing the Velocity. The adjustable dials can make it VERY responsive, and lube only reduces spin time.
String: the Velocity has a very small gap. Cotton will work, but you will probably burn through it pretty quickly. It’s best for fixed axle 2a loopers. Slick 6 is best for 2a bearing loopers, and maybe for learning to bind with a wide axle (fat poly is still better IMO). Poly is smoother and lasts longer. I’d recommend a thin string; the 100% YYE advanced that comes in a 5, 25, or 100 pack works really well. If you try a wider gap yo-yo, like with a “C” bearing, you will want to experiment. But… with the Velocity, you want thin. The Velocity gets plenty responsive with 100% poly, and you’ll like using it better.  With the dial all the way on easy, you barely need to tug.

You should have gone with 100% polyester.
I would of have, but I thought that 100% poly was for advanced people only. Dang it! :cry:

Thanks for telling me this. And wow, now I’m mad that a bought that 25 pack of cotton string.  :cry: Oh well, I guess when I go through all of those cotton strings, I’ll start buying some poly strings. And as I have just said, I thought poly strings were for more advanced people with perhaps more advanced yoyo’s?

I think the string types are kind of misleading.

Cotton is mostly for fixed axle, especially wood and also good for ball bearing loopers but not the best.

Slick6 is your all-purpose string, good in loopers, OK in string trick yoyos. Not recommended for wood fixed axle.

100% poly is for string trick yoyos, ball bearing loopers and basically anything except wood fixed axle loopers.