Beefhook is hard

That’s a good call


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I have probably spent 6-8 hours in the last few days trying to figure this out.

One thing I noticed that REALLY helped me was not “flicking” the string off the NTH pointer to get it to wrap around. But more thinking a “big and slow flick”. Idk if that makes sense but it keeps it BIG flipping around for me making it easier.

I’ve only hit it maybe 12 -16 times so I’m not an expert by any means

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Also string is important. I never use bulk string anymore when there are so many better options available. Tripwires Poly nylon blend from legitstring is :kissing_smiling_eyes::pinched_fingers: but i learned on markmont strings. Just any good string will make it more consistent and easier…


Type x any good?

Idk what that is. You tell me

I just had an “aha” moment that may help some people. Yesterday I maybe got it 12-16 times all day.

This morning I hit it 5 times in about ten minutes.

Before I was trying to get the string to do the work in whipping around and grabbing the yo-yo.

I realized this morning that I want the yo-yo to fall “in the basket”

So I started have the yo-yo “stall” at the top to come straight down, the string whips around with no tension as my NTH stays still after release, so the loop is larger and it “falls” into the string.

Idk if that makes sense but helped me a ton

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I feel like YYSL type x is good string. I still use it for responsive Yoyos. I’ve come to prefer the feel of 100% nylon for unresponsive. I’m a huge fan of @BadWolfeCo multicolor blends.


I had trouble with it too. Here’s what helped me:


I’ll have to try it!

Great video

Thanks :slight_smile: Hope you get this!

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You’re right though. It’s the same in sports.

You gotta slow and think and ingrain what you’re trying to do instead of fast back to back moves that just ingrain non helpful muscle memory

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Just an update for everyone on my life right now


Don’t know if this will help, but I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better with it recently, although i think my hot rate in this video is under 50%. But I recorded a few attempts from different angles with Diorama. I used it because OD bearings are so much quieter than other bearings, but the slomo seems to amplify the bearing. I turned the volume down in editing, but i forgot to turn the first section down to the same level as the second, so the second section is a even more quiet.

They aren’t the same attempts. That would be cool, but I don’t have 2 cameras. Good luck!


I recently got a huge spike with my consistency on beef hook. In a tangential discussion of gunshots as a general yoyo element with somebody, I finally understood what this trick actually is. Everybody always says to move your TH into the slack, so you know that’s something you’re supposed to do, but it’s easy to not fully process how critical this step is. Once I started viewing beefhook as specifically a gunshot (slack interception), the trick just clicked. The TH push isn’t just an extra movement to boost consistency, it’s the entire crux of the trick.

I’m a bit slow on the uptake sometimes…


… Indeed it is.

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Been working on it for a few weeks, hoping to make a tutorial soon


The most helpful tip I can give is understanding that “You don’t DO the Beefhook ,the beefhook does YOU “ :upside_down_face:


That actually kinda makes sense :sweat_smile: the motion and the trick just happens when you try to do it. Although that’s easier said than done :laughing: