Beefhook is hard

Ok, so I have most of the beefhook down.

I can get a big loop, I can get it to wrap. But I cannot get it to go “under” my pointer enough to hit the yo-yo.

What is my pointer supposed to be doing exactly to engage?

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I found this tutorial to be the most useful.

Other than that, it’s just a case of doing it over and over and over and over - then you’ll get it.


I first hit one like three months ago and still can’t hit them consistently. Such a dope trick tho, I still make a couple hundred attempts a day :sweat_smile:


Notice in the posted tutorial video both Tatsuya and Matio move their TH pointer to the side, towards the yoyo as the loop is coming around.


I’m not sure that’s actually helpful. I finally got it to click when I started trying for about 10 mins per day (probably 20 to 50 attempts, going slow and deliberately) and then moving on. Within a week I was landing them, and within a month I was landing more than I was missing, after over a year of trying on and off and not making any real progress. I think watching many different tutorials also helped.

After that I used the same approach for tension hooks and got those down too. Also after over a year of making zero progress.

People learn differently though :man_shrugging: If you feel like you’re making progress doing what you’re doing then do that.


What’s the best advice you have? I have watched all the tutorials and usually by now it’s clicking. But I can’t seem to get it to land

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hobbygod, the video noted above, Brandon Vu and Diego B have all good tips, that have helped me become more consistent with beef hook. Each video gives attention to very important parts of the trick, when put together the videos really hit all the points that need to be practiced to become better at this trick.


A couple hundred may have been an exaggeration but the I’m maybe hitting 1/10 or so at best. I know it’s not a tension issue, I can hit 2.0 and -2.0 hooks with more consistency.

I think my issue is that I haven’t found the sweet spot for how much power I need for the hook to actually make it’s way around. I’ll get there

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One thing that helped me was using slower string. I was putting too much speed into the hook and couldn’t see that. Try whipping slower. Make sure you’re pulling your NTH hand towards you enough to get the string out of the way of the loop.

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Beef hook is the trick I practice when ever I can. The feeling I get when I hit trucks like beef hook is why I throw.

Be sure to have neutral string tension, start in a trapeze with your thumb under the string coming from TH ring finger. Swing the yo-yo toward and under your TH index finger making the yo-yo go above your TH index finger on the out side, as close as possible to your TH index finger. Release the NTH loop from your index finger just before the string contacts your TH index finger, keep the yo-yo as close to your TH index finger as possible as you release the loop. ( it may contact your finger some times ). The yo-yo needs to be about 1.5 yo-yo your height above your TH index finger. As the loop comes around your TH index finger, slightly pull the loop created around your NTH thumb down and toward your body to open the loop and speed the loop up as it travels around your TH index finger to catch the yo-yo as it falls. Roll out over your TH into a Sub mount.

If I am not clear or made mistakes in terminology, let me know I will make corrections.

This is the best I can explain hope it helps.

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Great explanation!

Thank you

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I seriously don’t understand the internet sometimes. I answer the question in the OP directly, trying to be helpful since I’ve worked through Beefhook myself, but get no response, no engagement from the poster. Meanwhile @Bobparty likes and engages with other posts. Maybe I’m too old school but the lack of courtesy and etiquette makes me wonder why I bother.


Sorry buddy. Next time I’ll be sure to like and comment when you post, honestly I immediately implemented what you said and started working on it.
I actually came back here to tell everyone that I landed it three times with all the stuff people gave me.

Apologies my man, I’ll be more careful in the future!!

Thanks for everything I really appreciate it, it helped a ton


Hey all, thanks for the tips.

I’ve now landed it 5 times and I’m getting ready to be world champion.

Thanks again!


Nice, glad you’re getting it man.


Thanks to y’all

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Hey thanks, nothing personal. Maybe I also need to take a break from the internet if I’m taking it too seriously! Sometimes it’s like that.

Congrats on the beefhook progress! Keep going!


I’ve also been working on the beef hook for 6+ months, not daily, but very often and I’m still very inconsistent. I’ll try different Yoyos, and sometimes I’ll hit it 3 or 4 times out of 7, and then I’ll go 10-15 times without hitting it a single time. I don’t move my throw hand finger much; maybe that’s part of my problem. Last time I tried I did try moving my finger against the slack trying to force it to flip around the yo-yo, but it didn’t seem to make much difference. Sometimes it seems like trying to spread all the string segments out improves things. I’m thinking of maybe taking some videos of me missing it and sharing it here to get some advice if I can’t see anything obviously wrong.


In my experience swapping yo-yos made it more difficult whilst I was learning.

Make sure the loop is as big as possible and try and do a few a day - that helped a lot to get more consistent


It’s so hard

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