Beans thread

This thread is reserved for beans and bean enthusiasts. Please stick to bean themes! Post yellow beans, green beans, red beans, blue beans, and purple beans. Mean beans and/or mean bean machines can be discussed but not promoted. Please don’t post meager beans.

If your beans aren’t the right color, please post in the Bean/Smell/Trade to swap for the beans you desire and/or require!

Robots are mean and if you are a robot we don’t want you posting in our bean thread. Machines that produce mean beans and/or robot beans are also not okay! Please respect other bean posters.

Have fun, and may your beans always congregate in groups of four!

Hello, fellow beaner!

A friendly warning to all posters: too much bean exposure can lead to a bean surplus that will make robots more smug than usual.

I like jellybelly jelly beans those are the best.

Neighbors have been complaining about bean parties but it’s okay just turn down the beans for 5 minutes then turn it back up again once he leaves.

Fixed for your viewing pleasure.

Please upload all bean-pictures to your own bean-host before bean-posting!

my bad. losing my beans man

there are plebeans who lack the appropriate beans

Over 40,000 children nationwide are born with meager beans each year. They grow up not knowing what it’s like to have the proper beans, and live every day bullied by evil robots. No child deserves this fate; no child deserves meager beans. To find out what you can do, our bean donation portal is

Remember, even beans that you find meager can help a child in need.

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Michelle is appalled by how wide spread Meager Beans have become in the United States.

“We as a nation have bean idle far to long. It’s time we take action.”

Michelle goes on to say that the best way to fight as an individual is gardening.

“Keep your family stocked with beans and donate the meager beans to your nearest clinic.”