Battle of the YYF Plastics!

well, all the neon collection glows under black light. and the starlite also. but the “regular GITD” doesn’t really last

it plays great tho ! the YYF plastic collection is superb, from the one to the northstar, they’re all very good throws

I like the NorthStar. Accidently said Proto! But yeah… Things a boss. I’m getting a new one tomorrow because my side cap randomly bent out and would have cracked hade i not taken out the axle…

I liked the protostar so much I own 6

Protostar was my first unresponsive plastic yoyo, which lead me into falling in love with the Rockstar :smiley:

I like the northstar because all the protostars my friend and i had broke. All of them. We had like, 4 too. Within a year about too. Northstar definitely seems more durable.

why no love for the counter attack though, it only has one vote :-\