Qwho is ready for… the Bass Boost!!!Q I hear the second batch will be ready soon!!!Q w00t!!Q! Im getting my first metal at just 50 bucks!Q! and i love the shape!!! eep!!!Q!!!Q
Yeah. Q.
Oh, you haven’t heard?
Are there going to be more colors? or just chrome.
This thread is missing something… not enough Q.
Anyways, to adress Ley’s question, after the first run of the 2011 edition (Which is going to be the next batch released.) we will have black, blasted BassBoosts.
Stlii $50?
With the increased labor and time going into the anno’ed BassBoosts (and other yoyos for that matter) we will be forced to raise the price to compensate. How much that may be, is still unknown to us at the moment.
not over 60 plzzzzzz
I cant afford much more without my mom screaming at me
Not my place to say.
Get the Pre-Pro if you want the Chrome for 50!
Or you can hook us up o.O
Just kidding. I do plan to buy, though. Mike’s design for the 2011 looks amazing and promising.
You want the hookup?
I gots the hookup.
REMOVED Yoyos is dangerous business.
[b]EDIT: It may have been a joke but it was in extremely poor taste.
You want the hookup?
I gots the hookup.
. Yoyos is dangerous business.
Shh. Don’t just say it out loud o.O
how would we get the pre pro version because I’m still interest in a raw version that is 50 rather then a black one that could cost more.
We will be doing a Pre=Pro (Raw) Version of each yoyo before it goes into full production.
This is to finalize designs and whatnot. The first versions you will buy in a store is the PrePro.
awesome, can’t wait to get one!
You want the hookup?
I gots the hookup.
REMOVED Yoyos is dangerous business.[b]EDIT: It may have been a joke but it was in extremely poor taste.
-shakes fist at sky-