2011 BassBoost Design Preview

Hey friends, just wanted to share this with you, we’ve got the 2011 design of the BassBoost ready to be produced. Our machinist will be making a run of 25 of these here in the next few weeks. This will be the last run of raw yo-yo’s we make, the funds from this run will go towards beadblasting and anodizing the next run as well as prototyping 2 new designs. Here’s the concept pics:




]]originally shared on our facebook fan page: DT Industries[[


What are the new specs?

Reminds me of an ED

Same specs as before as far as width and diameter go, weight should be 65g but it may be a slight bit heavier, 2 grams at the most.

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Thanks Mike. I need to re-evaluate my entire collection, I have recently fell in love with undersized and mini yoyos. And I think this is one of them that I don’t know if I can pass up again… :smiley: Same price point?

same here for some reason i luv undersized yoyos i want a bassboost sooooo bad

i will get a bassboost

They look nice, keep us posted!

Looks pretty nice, but im not sure if i can get one =[.

Ohemgee, this first batch of them will be limited to 25, it’ll be the last raw batch. However they will always be available, so if you get to the point where you want one and have the means to get one, they’ll be around :slight_smile:

JetEyeNight, Thanks man! I sure will! :slight_smile:

joeyoshmoeyo, :slight_smile: looking forward to it haha

d4rqk0n3, I’ll let everyone know once i know but until I get a chance to have a meeting with my machinst i can’t give a definite answer on the price. Hoping for this last raw run to keep it at the 50 like we normally do but after we get to the production stage where they’re blasted, anodized, and engraved the price will change a bit.

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mike have u tried 5a with the raw bassboost

joeyoshmoeyo, yea a little bit here and there, nothing to extreme though because i was always afraid of messing my proto’s up lol :slight_smile: I know Elephark enjoyed the first design of the BassBoost for 5A and used it a bit until it got stolen from him. He has more guts to do extreme things with metal yo-yo’s than i do lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnJ5y1eObb4

On a serious note, does your CAD program have Threading, or not? I

Also, it seems as though you don’t have a response area??

Couldn’t tell you, Rizki does our CAD work. And my machinist puts in the response system area on his own that way we are sure the “square” o-rings (onion rings :wink: ) fit perfectly.

Ahh :slight_smile: Makes sense now. It was puzzling me.

Onion rings FTW

looks great. I LOVE the shape. Its Night Moves 5 x Levithian 2. Awesome. Is there a price point?

over 9000

What is an onion ring?!?!?!?!? ???