Basic Chopsticks help

hey everyone, so after watching worlds i got inspiration to keep practicing harder tricks but learning the basic chopsticks thumb mount is confusing. every time i successfully land the yoyo from the trapeze to the mount it will either smack my non throw index and lose a bunch of spin or tilt wayy off plane. any tips for improving to make my practice more efficient would be greatly appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

also remy baskin at 18 is such a robbery


This is the trick I share with people when they want to start learning chopsticks.

I would make sure to hold the string at the tips of your fingers. Also I would try using your non throw hand yoyo finger (not index finger) and thumb for the chopsticks mount.


I never thought about using my middle finger or noticed that’s what he’s doing. Wow.


learning the chopsticks switch now, the middle finger tip helped for the room to land, i think i just need to keep practicing. thanks!


Here are two videos that go into details about chopsticks by Sakatuca. They are Japanese, but you can turn the captions on with auto translate and it picks up a surprising amount of the content. The first one goes into 5 points about learning chopsticks that are really helpful. The second one is a more comments about chopsticks based on feedback he received from the first video. There are comments in both of these that are really helpful and that I haven’t seen anywhere else. I also haven’t seen anyone else conceptualize the details of any yoyo movement this thoroughly and they are both worth a watch.

It’s like too much info for me to type out here but watching these and practicing some of the exercises in here has me feeling way way more comfortable with chopsticks.


Using a smaller diameter yoyo if you got one helps.


This the first point in the first sakatucatut he goes smaller yo-yos makes chopsticks simply easier and says go small to large and it will be harder to learn with a larger Yoyo.


I learned chopsticks from that Colin Beckford chopstick slack video you sent me. That trick is hard still haven’t got it.