Baseball Anyone?

Hey, is anyone doing baseball or softball this year? I love baseball and I just wanted to see how many people are doing it. What bat are some of you going to use? Any suggestions or needing suggestions? I was thinking to get a DeMarini Hornet or DeMarini F3. By the way, is the F3 compsite or aluminum. Thanks!

I have been playing since I was 4 but didn’t get to play last year because I was sick for six months :frowning: BUT that’s how I found yoyo’ing! I’m using a -3 Reebok Vector and a -3 Rawlings 5150 this year. I haven’t even unwrapped them yet :open_mouth: I bought the Vector for school baseball but I’m doing online school now and I got a 5150 for Christmas with a speed cap. And the F3 is composite! I tried one a while back at the batting cages and hit every ball not just hit but POUNDED it! It’s a great bat! Have you considered the CF4? I haven’t tried one but I’m sure it would be good.

Thanks, Im glad you found yoyoing because i just love it. I was wondering about the f3 because on the lists of compatible bats for 2011, the f3 is under COMPOSITE HANDLE, ALUMINUM BARREL so i just wanted to make sure because i just need a really cheap bat thats good and durable. I was thinking about the CF4, i heard its a great bat, but its a little pricey for me. Maybe a bat that is used for under $100

What age/league are you in?

Volleyball anyone? :smiley:

I played baseball in elementary. Got hit in the face and stopped. ;D

im in my very last year of little league, but im also playing in Pony league rules for another select team