Bad times for your yoyo to accidentally respond.

This is a new post that i started. The point is to name a bad situation to be in while your yoyoing and your yoyo responds. I’ll start…

  1. In the middle of a leg wrap trap
  2. During a suicide

Now you continue on. :slight_smile:

During any type of grind

When showing other people awesome combos.


brent stole and hideamasa hook

When you are on stage doing a an unresponsive trick only. (Eg. Grinds, brent stole)

When you are tied up and being cut, and tormented, and barely alive, and the only thing that will save yourself from the horrible cruel being who has tortured you so is for you to do 3 consecutive suicides on a renegade and only then will he spare your life and let you out into the outside world.


During any combo or trick that involves a green triangle :-X

Im scared now.

that’s how i got here. but it’s good to go back into the cave now and then.

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Any time you’re doing a trick and you don’t want it to respond. I win! :wink:

No, I think Jayyo wins. ;D

No, I win! I always win! * finishes spazzy(?) moment*

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When throwing a breakaway infront of a crowd of people, i have a scar next to my eye :’( and i was laughed at ;D

when your doing counterweight tricks and your counterweight is metal

green triangle neck trap.

During an earthquake ?

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When you tie the slip knot around yer forehead and say “watch this” to a crowd of people


+1 on that.

Also for me, when doing a plastic whip. My knuckle now has a dent in it!

tounge suicide