Bad experiences and confusion with Vargabond aka Doctor_Filthy

I recently bought a Pink B7 Grail from @Vargabond lasts Saturday. He said he’d ship Monday (the 9th) and hasn’t contacted me since. I’ve tried messaging him many times and am planning to chargeback in a week if I get no response. Has anyone heard from him? Thanks.

I purchased from him last month with no issues and he seems to have a great history of transactions so hopefully he follows through!

Looks like he hasn’t been on YYE forums in the last 2 days so he might be preoccupied with something going on. Nonetheless, an update on the 9th should’ve been common courtesy if he couldn’t ship out :confused:

Of course it’s up to you but I’d personally wait till at least the 20th to see what’s happening on his end. Sorry you have to worry about this!

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The plan is to wait till the 20th yes, I’m worried about what’s going on though

Well I have bought something from him since the 23rd of July and he sometimes replies. He said he has shipped but there has been no updates since, so I also have no idea what to do.

he is going through stuff

i actually needed tracking from him a while back, he said he was in hospital and couldnt get on the forums, and his wife was handling the rest.

i still didnt hear back from him ever since this so i assume his situation isnt resolved yet.
ive bought from him before, no issues. nothing i can do in my case but wait.

this was for sth i bought on august 3rd, so its been a while

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I guess I’ll wait then :confused: hope he’s doing alright.

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@Vargabond is good to go. I’ve met him in person several times for trades since he lives near me. I would give him some time to respond before doing anything. I know he’s had some health issues.


I bought a dunk rebound around the start of July and added on an OhYesYo hexada on July 18th. Shipping got delayed due to the acute pancreatitis mentioned above but a box came in around the end of July with no Hexada. He said he had a package that was getting back to him with return to sender and that he would reshoot the hexada or hit me with a refund.

I just had a package hit my doorstep this last Friday (9/13) not with the hexada in it but an OYY/ OD eclipse. I don’t want to slam someone who is going through some tough times but this last buy has left me a little frustrated.

I am also waiting for a Fern to be shipped to me, sent payment promptly & he gave me two dates it was supposed to get sent out. Each time there was no communication that he wasn’t going to make it that day & that he was dropping off other packages but mine and others kept getting left behind. Not trying to slam him but just is a little strange. Hoping he can get/feel better.

It’s unfortunate that the seller is having medical problems, but honestly, if you’re incapable of following through on orders, you shouldn’t be making deals


Update, still no answer from him

Gonna call BS on the hospital stuff. That’s like the go-to scammer excuse. Just do a charge back and call it a day.


Kinda smart tho to come to forums. Musta heard all the yoyoers who LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE there yoyos :slight_smile:

The thing tho is that hes a regular so he just might be going through some stuff


People take way too much stock in the “titles” these forums give its users. Regular doesn’t mean anything. He was last seen 10 days ago and has gone no contact on two different buyers for well over a week?

Seems legit. Definitely would pay him f&f without question…



Yeah but the problem is, what happened is I sold my green grail to @yogurt and secured buying this B7 because it’s like my favorite yo-yo, (sold grail for $180, bought B7 for $100, and $80 went to other projects.) and now I’m just stuck here without my favorite throw. I get having problems and I’m totally fine with waiting, I just wish I would have gotten some kind of notice or something? $100 is a lot for me right now since I just got laid off with no warning, so this is annoying.

I bought a throw/extras from him in August and it arrived missing a set of SEs. I sent a couple messages and it took a few days to get a response. He said he must have misplaced them and had been in and out of the hospital but would send them along as soon as he had a chance. That was August 12th. I haven’t received or heard anything since. Every other part of the transaction was smooth and easy :man_shrugging:

Chiming in with a slightly different issue with this seller. I understand he’s a regular and a part of the hobby overall. That said, we negotiated a price for a Kushionmaxx and I was planning to send payment after work. Just a couple hours later. Before I do, I got a message saying he was going to the post office so if I didn’t want to wait I should pay up. I sent the cash to the email address he shared.

I informed him of my payment of $100. Hours later he finally “realized” he sent the wrong email address, and he misspelled the first address. I paid f&f (no longer planning to do this, Ill take the hit). Screwed out of $100.

Not really the same issue as y’all. But its enough for me to avoid future listings from him.


Did he offer any kind of compensation for misspelling the email?

hey! i had the exact same issue with a different seller. you can totally get this money back if you submit a claim with paypal, providing you send them all the messages and stuff. No guarantees but you should definitely fill that stuff out on paypal to get the hundred back


He did not. I’m inclined to believe it was a misstake. But its hard to tell with these things.

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