B-day shopping

My grandpa is going to take me shopping for b-day presents i have a nearby store that has yo-yo’s called learning express. They don’t have any really expensive brands like clyw c3 they got yoyofactory or yomega and duncan i think i don’t know how much money i can spend but whats a good cheap throw? (price area $10 - 50)

if they have yyf, you can get a shutter or CZm8, if duncan, the raptor or echo 2, if yomega, nothing lol if yyj, get a classic and an upgrades response system and bearing.

Get whichever one looks really cool and stuff…yah.

If you could try them that would be nice, but yeah most YYF stuff is pretty good I would say.

thanks for the ideas but i already got a dark magic 2 its green btw thanks again :smiley: