I still gotta figure out how to do a regular fingerspin. Cant get it down
I was the same way. One day I was in the warehouse with Andre and I was talking about not being able to spin the Horizon well. He showed me the technique he used and bam easy. The two fingers centers it better then you can just drop it out.
I can do the finger spin trick!
You know…minus the finger, or the spin.
But hey! At least the yo looks good!
tuning in right now
I see there is a 10 min delay
I grabbed a silver with purple hub. Looking forward to it very much.
Same here but I got the Red/Black one. I have a feeling this will be out of stock soon.
Purple/silver is already sold out on YYF. Strange how it is different on YYE. I got Purp/Silv on YYE btw.
I grabbed an aqua Edgeless. It will fit nicely into my Color Wheel of Organics (photo to come when I have the Edgeless in hand).
Had it come in a red/blue version, like my Anomaly, I might have been sorely tempted to get one of those as well, but YYF spared me and my wallet this time around.
Glad I grabbed the red with black. That seems to be more popular than the aqua lol.
This is how I picked the aqua as well. It just fits more with my organic color theme, though unintentional. I’m excited to see it next to my blue 7076 bowl. I imagine they will compliment each other nicely.