Augie Fash has a snazzy new sponsorship.

There were many reasons for me leaving, but this actually wasn’t one of them. That must just be a rumor?
Anyway, I am extremely joyful for the decision and the opportunity to be with C3, so I’m looking forward to a better and brighter future. :slight_smile:


John Higby and I performing in DUBAI!
With 3D glasses and a vest ripped straight off a polar bear!

Haha, you know, the costume designer actually wanted to put make-up all over our faces too, but we refused! 0:)

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For on-stage yoyoing, full sized all the way!!!

Off-stage yoyoing, I love playing all shapes and sizes.

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Flip! It’s the man himself!

Good to have you back. I look forward to more chopstick-y action. =D

more details please ! new yoyo will come very soon !!


I agree with so many of the statements above. Augie’s enthusiasm in his videos, and the butter smooth chopsticks were the things that made me want to really learn to yoyo. His personality seems (although I’ve never had the opportunity to meet him personally) infectious, and so it can only be a good thing for him to be heavily back in the game. I will definitely be seeking out anything Augie/C3 related.

Woohoo. I called it.

I’m also happy that he is back!

I usually associate C3 with the blinding fast tech like Peter Pong, not the slower, flowier style of Augie. Not something I expected, but I’m extremely excited that Augie is back in the game! A true legend returns.

You’ve apparently not seen Augie’s speedy tech. :wink: He can rip, especially frontstyle. That said, I do tend to agree that Augie’s style seems to have more composition and flow to it. Maybe the difference in style is what will make this work so well!

You’ve got some C3 players with tech, a few coming in with a bunch of fingerspin techniques that are blowing people away… and now you’ll have somebody with stage presence and flow. I think teams should be diversified, so this is a pretty good move!

I’m not saying I’m dissatisfied with this pairing, just that it was unexpected. I think it’ll be an awesome pairing. And to me, pretty much everything looks blindingly fast to be honest. I generally play pretty slow.

Augie isn’t slow though…

There were many reasons for me leaving, but this actually wasn’t one of them. That must just be a rumor?
Anyway, I am extremely joyful for the decision and the opportunity to be with C3, so I’m looking forward to a better and brighter future. :slight_smile:
You have no idea how big of a fanboy I am. I’ve watched pretty much all of your videos 10+ times. I still really like China Mixtape. I wish the video was still accessible. To prove my fanboyness, I won the YoyoSkills “I Love Augie Fash” contest and won the Catalyst Prototype. Augie, is there a difference between the Prototype and the Production spec wise? It plays differently to me.

Looks pretty damn fast to me… flip…

Okay let me point out that I said slower, right after referencing Peter Pong. What I intended to get across with that is that he is generally slower than Peter Pong (who I tend to think of when I think if C3).

Here ya go, friend!

I actually do not know much about the variation in the Catalysts. To be honest, I actually was not given the opportunity to help design the yoyo, nor pick the name. I had zero say in the yoyo’s design (shape, weight, etc.) So I am unsure of the difference, if any, between prototypes and production runs.
That said, the weight on the Catalysts I owned varied by a gram to a gram and a half, so there can be quite a bit of difference in play from yoyo to yoyo. Some of the runs I found to play much better than other runs, probably because of the weight.

…Hope that helps!

Everybody on earth is slower than Peter Pong. He plays at a million miles an hour. Maybe having Augie on C3 will lead to some more variation in their designs.


I know I commented before on being excited for this, but I would just like to add that Hometown Hero is one of my top 3 favorite yoyo vids ever. Its inspiring every time I watch it. If you haven’t seen it before you should really check it out.

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Ok let me apologize. I spoke without really thinking, Augie can indeed be a true speed beast. I guess it had been a while since I had seen his videos.

Augie can certainly be fast, but i also don’t see that mattering. It’s good for teams to have a variety of styles and players. Super excited for what will be coming now!