Augie Fash has a snazzy new sponsorship.

so it’s basically boss! Lol

YUSS cant wait to see the new trendy Augie with a pink mohawk

Awesome. I honestly couldn’t care less what team he’s on. As long has he’s back, I’m perfectly happy. With C3 though, I’m sure we’ll see some good things. :smiley:

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Ok I wouldnt go THAT FAR. But I thinK Augie,Zach Gormley,Harold Owens and Gentry will compete for the top spot and maybe Andrew Maider will sneak up there again this year too. But you never know anybody could win.

That’s not going far at all hun…

. <

Very cool. Will be curious where it goes. Just hope we get more amazing videos like The Jason Tapes and Hometown Hero.

Saying he’s going to WIPE nationals Id say is to far because there are ways to many great competitors out there for someone to run all over everybody. JUST MY OPINION.

I love Augie Fash SOOO much. He’s my favorite and deserves a company like C3. I own all his throws. Augie Fash FTW

He added his job to c3 yoyo design.

Found this on his FB.

Lol wut.

what the

Looks like Augie joined John Higby in one of his performances.

Saw this earlier and couldn’t have been more excited. After I first learned about modern 1A yoyoing, I didn’t really know all the players or anything, but Augie immediately stood out. From the first time I saw a video of his right up until now he has remained a favourite player of mine. Was bummed at the end of Hometown Hero when it was (admittedly ambiguously) implied he was done with more than just YYF but yoyo in general (at least in the public eye).

Now that he’s back, I’m looking forward to the great things that will come.

An Augie Fash C3 yoyo? My hopes are up.

I wonder what a yoyo meeting Augie’s current preferences would look like. There’s no way of knowing based on past signature yoyos… there’s only “what do I prefer right here, right now?” I mean, we can probably say he hasn’t gone to oversized yoyos, but other than that…

I hope it’s already being designed behind the scenes!

Very true, the catalyst is nothing like the boss.

I’m thinking a Capless would suit his tastes.

I hope not! I want an all-new beast. :wink:

The Fashist should be it’s name

A Yeah 3x with Berserker weight rings and the Movitation hub.

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LOL! That sounds like Augie’s type of throw all right… :wink: