Attention BST users... A PSA

The need to make a new reply on your BST thread is no longer needed with the new forum software. Just hit the little pencil and do any edit at all to your original post, add a smiley face, anything. That will “bump your post back to the top. Replying to bump your post actually makes the BST thread cluttered eventually as the reader has to scroll up through all the bumps. Message me or post here if you have any questions. Thanks. :slight_smile:


Clarification, the edit must be to the last post in the topic in order for a bump to occur. So I think the sensible guideline is to post a reply if your reply is not already the last post, otherwise edit the last post.

(Obviously you can’t edit other people’s posts unless you are a mod.)


Read me…

One thing @AndreBoulay pointed out to me that kinda changed my mind on this, is that a posted daily bump reply is strong tangible evidence to the whole community that a seller (or buyer) is motivated to keep coming back to the forum and checking in. And the absolute cornerstone of any community is “being there”, day in and day out. Just showing up.

I can’t argue with that logic at all :clap:

(aside, this is also true of parenting as well. Can’t be a parent if you aren’t showing up; showing up is 90% of the job, and you’ll never get the other stuff right anyways, so in a way showing up is all there is)

That said, protip: editing the last post (if it is your post) does indeed bump a topic. :wink:


I am still considering a per-category setting where edits to the first post always bump the entire topic. This has come up in a few different contexts…

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