Astrojax discussion

@yoyodoc yea it’s not a good look and I feel it has left Larry in a bad situation. He only sells one kind right now unfortunately.

Thanks Mike for the shout out my man. I’m so happy to see an Astrojax discussion starting up. I actually just talked to Larry a couple months back and I’m pretty excited for what he has in store for all of us. Keep an eye out, but more importantly post more astrojax videos if you guys have a moment. I know Larry would appreicate the heck out of that.


I’ll have to do some digging as I have some better filmed AJ clips somewhere. These are ones I found on my phone. @DedHed If you get in touch with Larry again will you let him know that since I first picked up some Astrojax as a kid I’ve been enthralled with them! Really great and really fun and all the festivals/raves I take them to they get poeple excited.


@DedHed any leaks you can give? I’ll keeping checking Larry’s site for updates.


Still over the moon about seeing some astrojax conversation! I miss the old school forums from back in the day but lets make a new one happen!

I would love to spill some news on them but because of all the legality stuff I’ll leave it up to Larry to spoil anything…but I will say that astrojax is very much not dead and is just in the process of repositioning themselves and the company. From the little info I got, it sounds like Larry is very excited about the future of things. That being said, one of the main things I reached out to him about is possibly doing a project with Dedhed Designs…:grin:


Here’s a quick little tech tangle trick I was messing with recently

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My astrojax should come in the mail today

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Nice which ones did you snag

I ordered from usastrojax before I knew the legality of things. I got some glows and imagine. Ill be buying some from Larry’s site soon.

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Got my eye on these

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Can someone pm me Larry’s website. Been looking to pickup a new skill toy and after hearing about how they did him i would rather order directly from him.


It’s not a competing yoyo store.


Order those Joebros man, one of the best astrojax players that ever lived. R.I P.

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The green/yellow/blue cores look very nice. Will make tricks easier to track for me as well as spectators.

Appreciate the shares of my edits and clips. I am still around i just dont make it a habbit to involve myself in communities. Id rather just be playing. As to buying jax. Only buy from Larry. The other people are scamming him and you.


@CizreK glad to see you here

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Any good tips for beginners?

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Hop back and forth between 5a and astrojax. Both compliment each other well. Also swinging poi is a great way to practice some similar types of flow tricks. Past that, scour youtube for a lot of the old trick tip videos too, theres some really good ones on there that should teach you a lot of the basics.


Trying to buy the joebro set but the site won’t let me add anything to my cart.

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Still same issue?

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