Ask ALL the questions!

It’s simple, we ask, we answer.

RULE (That’s right, singular, as in one, uno, 1, one more than zero, one less than two, 42 minus 41, 92,516 divided by 92,516, you get it)

  1. Whatever is said IS truth, even if it defies Newton’s fourth law of faceplants.

I’ll start, how many of you have owned a Lamborrari?

We all have at some point (obviously), but they generally don’t stay with the same owner, for various reasons. I personally gave mine to a children’s museum in Djibouti; I think they appreciated that I had pictures of Thing 1 and Thing 2 on either side (painted by Dr. Seuss himself).

What letter do y’all think is the most unfairly neglected?

z when it has a line through it to signify lower case. it’s such a nice looking letter and it’s unfortunate that less people write it that way.

what is your favorite shade of greyscale?

I agree with this so much. Z is awesome.

50 shades of it.

You think pixels make good fire?

If dodgeball were a sport, what position would Santa Claus play?

Is this question a valid question?


What is the best song in the world?

I think it’s This one.