Are You Addicted To Yo-Yoing?

Addicted: no.
Obsessive/compulsive: yes.

Im the same I can quit anytimeā€¦ hahaha So addicted its not funny

yes i am very addicted. i play it whenever i can, i am very strange through the past week though cuz i need some lube. i play yoyo whenver i can, at soccer games, home, i try in the car, even when doing chores :slight_smile:

This sums it up for me :smiley:

It is one of my only sources of fun, I am not addicted to it but if yoyoing is removed from my life, I would just feel very bored and have not that much motivation to do things.

What Samad said is correct, addicted is with drugs, especially alcohol or narcotic drugs. A habit or a obsession is different. So I say I have a small habit with throwing.

We donā€™t have to take the whole addiction thing so literally. Iā€™d say Iā€™m addicted to yo-yoing-- not in the same way Iā€™m addicted to cigarettes, but Iā€™ve thrown every day for almost 8 months now, and Iā€™m constantly thinking about throwing, so Iā€™d say Iā€™m addicted nonetheless :slight_smile:

Yepā€¦there was a point where I would order 1 yoyo per weekā€¦lol


yes! ;D

Actually, thatā€™s incorrect. You can be addicted to other things besides drugs, alcohol, etc.

Video gamesā€¦I belive Facebook is now addict-able as wellā€¦

Facebook ate my life, YoYoing digested it. :o

lol I cant stand facebook, I dont have oneā€¦

I personally view myself as addicted but controlled.

Far from addicted.

same here

All I do when Iā€™m at home is: go on yoyo related sites, yoyo, yoyo, eat, read and sleep

I wouldnā€™t say im addicted. I am in love with it though. But, I donā€™t Yoyo every possible second of my life.