are my info ok on jensen kimmit ?

From the forum rules…

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Je m’excuse :stuck_out_tongue:

awww,such a helpful lil lady,very nice of you to take the time to do thatb for him. and its kinda easy to tell you have good grades in english class XD

It is?

Finaly , it wont be usefull, she wants something really simple like how do he look like and what is his job/occupation in simple sentence so i’m kinda sorry for those who took the time to search for all the mistakes (i’m pretty much pointing abby there ^^)

Part of the excitement of writing is to work through the errors on your your own. I learned nothing from having people do the heavy lifting for me.

Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.

“I see know false info.”

that was auto correct I hate it.

Look over your post before sending.

Wait… I didn’t quote you though. I was referring to Zorro’s post.

ooh oops.