Approached by FPM

So a representative of FPM asked me if I’d like to make some yoyos through them. I’d like to see what you people think of the idea of me producing a metal yoyo. Please choose from the poll below:

Should Spinworthy make a you-beut, fancy CNC yoyo?

  • No
  • NO!
  • NO WAY!
  • Never!
  • Well… maybe?:man_shrugging:

0 voters


Is this multiple choice? :white_check_mark:


Wait, this looks like multiple choice, but all the answers lead to the same result. Smells like a trap. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I always fail in these tests … :crazy_face:


Ah you’ve convinced me… I’ll make one tiny edit…

What would be the good of me adding another CNC machined yoyo to the market? The choices that already exist are staggering…


After looking at what you make for 2 years and reading all your posts about making yoyos it seems that anything you did not have your hands on as it went on a lathe would not be a Spinworthy.


I’m not gonna vote bc there isn’t an answer I like. Heck yeah dude, just go for it. Even if you aren’t amazed by the end product it’s still a really great learning experience.


The same employee has been messaging lots and lots of people. I got messages from them on both of my instagram accounts.

You already know my thoughts about CNC machined yoyos - and I think you’re a good designer. You must already have been thinking about this.

If you were to design something to be produced in a larger batch, what might it look like?


This poll looks like my typical suggested auto reply options on sms/email, except in the negative rather than affirmative.

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I just got messaged this morning too.

Honestly if they’re willing to prototype something for you for free/highly discounted, why not give it a shot!?!? If you don’t like the end result or feel like its not worth the effort when protos come in im sure you wouldn’t have to do an entire run.


Here’s what I am going to say: if it does not bring you joy, why do it.

Now, I have never bought one of your yoyos (it is on my list), but one thing I know is that you pour your heart and soul into the throw. You hand lathe them from fine woods, add artistic touches when you think they are necessary, and make clean looking yoyos. I have seen you sell “b-grades” for the tiniest imperfection, not because it affects play, but because you did not want to call that a perfect product.

Think of @G2_Jake. When he was first starting out, he was throwing out so many yoyos because he decided he would not put his name behind them. I believe (and again I am just going off of what Tom from Throws and Brews said as I have not bought any of his throws yet) that he was selling the original throws just to cover the cost of buying from the machine shop. Knowing you, I believe you would be doing the same thing. And that is a decision none of us can truly make for you. I would love to see a design of yours, but not at the sacrifice of you. You are a great person and a great company, so I know you will make the right decision for you and your company.



Are YOU looking to make metal throws? Like some have already said I think it comes down to how YOU wanna take your next step. If you had no intentions on it why bother, unless you feel like you wanna try it out. You’d enjoy the process more without as much stress.


Personally from talking to you it doesn’t sound like you. That said if the product is up to your standards and does well, it can defiantly aide in funding the artisan in you. I think another question you have to personally answer is do you want this to be a hobby, or do you want it to start to develop into a job. None of us can answer that one for you. No matter what you decide, congratulations on having that door opened for you, if nothing else enjoy the fact that your work is being noticed on a broader level!


Don’t be Summoned, Be the Summoner!
Don’t like how FBM (whoever they are) is trying to cop-a-feel on your buzz.
Yo’r path is blazing…Fire!

Consider spawning a trans-axle Woody instead of a cold piece of metal.


I’m in the “Well… Maybe?” camp on this one. If you have a vision for a metal yo-yo you want to make then go for it. If not, then like you said, what would be the good?

I don’t think it will hurt the fixed axle side of things, you’re still going to make those by hand. If anything it may help supplement the cost of the fixed axle side and help you get more supplies/tools. But again, only if you have a good idea for a design that you feel comfortable standing behind.


My hunch says no on this one, but if you want to try out a design idea of yours go ahead.

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There is no promise of a discount as far as I can tell.


Oh man that would be amazing. I’d need to get my hands on a metal lathe as well as the room to actually accommodate one and that will be years away.

Man, the possibilities and creativity that would open up would be incredible!


I have ideas on a metal yoyo I’d like to make, but hardly anyone would buy it. :sweat_smile: