Anyone need a fixed axle Yoyo for fixed axle February?

I meant to post this sooner, but better late than never. If we act quick, we should be able to get them in your hands before the end of week 1 of FAF.

These 5 have been spoken for, but we can still get you a fixed axle, might or might not be new in package, but reach out if you need one

I have 5 new in box butterflies, and I would be stoked to send 1 to 5 different people, who could use a fixed axle to join in the fun.

There are no (metaphorical) strings attached. Physical strings will remain fully intact and completely attached :joy:

These are free.
I will cover shipping.

Color choices are first come, first served.
Up for grabs: 0 green, 0 red, 0 orange, 0 pink, 0 blue.

Unfortunately, I do have to restrict this to continental US only, so I can afford shipping lol

Just comment on this thread, “I want one” or something along those lines, if you would like one. I will reach out via message to get your address.


I have to acknowledge it. @snoopy I genuinely thought these were both reds. It was after I got them in better lighting for this pic that I realized one is pink. Sorry broski. I would’ve sent you this one if had realized.


No need to worry, dude! a Butterfly is a Butterfly, and I appreciate it either way.


Well that’s not going to do anyone any good.


Baaahahahahahaha!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I should’ve been more clear.

Physical strings will be attached, and, if I have enough, I was planning to throw a couple extra strings in with each.

Metaphorical strings, however, have all been severed. No one, that takes me up on my offer, will owe me anything. Nothing. Nada. Zip. :+1:


Pandemonium sweeps YYE as scandal breaks out: YYEF’s own @Yodaddyo makes post about shipping free Duncan Butterflys with

Receivers of the bespoke Butterflys will have to supply their own strings for the upcoming 2025 FAF event


Oh gosh.

What have I started? :joy:


But, on the real though, it would genuinely make my day if 5 people took me up on this, because:

A. It brings me much joy to give people yoyos, and
2) it would help me shrink my ever growing pile of shipping supplies

Help me out, friends. Someone take a yoyo!

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You could have said ,“No Catch” and that would be a whole other issue.


i want one for faf pls :smiley:


When I first read the original post I laughed. I thought - well I’m sure I know what he meant - but that’s funny - someone will wonder why he’s taking the strings off. :smile:

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Okay. Edited to clarify :joy: ‘preciate everyone’s help with this lol


Takes the fun out of it. But seriously - Good on ya Seth. Thank you for doing this.


If you get >5 people, @ me. I’m sure I can spare a few.


Dude, this is awesome! :clap:


I would like one! I need to get my yoyoing styles to 7 instead of 6.


Blue has been claimed.

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I gotchu. I have some things to take care of real quick, but private message me your address and color choice. Blue has been spoken for but the rest are up for grabs.


Green has been claimed.

I’m heading to the post office in 20 minutes. If anyone wants a butterfly, and wants it to ship out to them tonight, claim it now! :yo-yo:

Pink, orange, and red are still up for grabs

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