Anyone know any yoyo clubs or groups in Indiana? UPDATE! 1st meet Dec. 3 or 4

Yes actually that is right haha. I would get ahold of 888 and figure out location details.

Ok guys we are trying to get a meet rolling for either the 3rd or 4th of December. Please anyone interested reply in the thread and and lets try and work a date out!

I couldn’t come the third or fourth because of work but Sunday the fifth would be perfect

Ok people there seems to be some confliction ( Spelled wrong >_< ) on this weekend. Some can make it this sunday but others cant. And some can make it friday or saturday but others cant. So should we shoot for next weekend? And we should probably get a consistent day to shoot for like most clubs do? And a Time set up for sure I was thinking 5:30? Get with me people ;D

Tuesday and Saturday are my only days off ;D

we should get this club going again

will you let begginers join because i have only yoyoed for one month

Of course! Beginners or people with no prior skills are welcome :3

I live in Anderson, Indiana. I dont know about coming up to South Bend but I will most definitely check out the one at the Eitlejorg. Ive only been yoing seriously for about a month there is just nobody here besides my one friend that loves yoyos.

I live in Carmel, so if anyone around there wants to meetup or something, lemme know.

I live in south bend but im not tht good yet, but id be interested.

oksy well lets get this stsrted

Hey what’s up guys. Can I join the yoyo club? Were is it held? I live near Indy.


I know a few more people are on now, so wanted to bump this. Please dont tdelete my post

Anyone north east? Angola area?

Kinda, elkhart, 30min from south bend. Angola is about an hour away, we could meet half way.

Hey all, me and a buddy of mine are in fort wayne, wondering if club ever developed and if so where up in northern indiana? Fort wayne is 2nd biggest city in the state, and id like to think one of our libraries in town would have room available for meeting.

Hey brother I’m from southside Indy . From what I can see there isn’t many clubs here in Indy but one needs started ! Message me on instagram In considering on emailing s bunch of company’s to help sponsor me start a club . Please reach out to me so you can help be part of the process !