Anyone heard from @chrisdoc145

I have a question for you. First… a few thoughts.

Health issues? Very understandable. Most folks take turns dealing with health issues; either temporary or sadly; sometimes permanent. Communication on the internet has the drawback or advantage of allowing people to ‘seem ok’ yet they may be in some seriously bad medical or physiological distress.

Most on any forum can understand this without a pile of convincing.

But regardless of personal problems; there is one thing you can’t justify; using personal problems as a crutch.

If you are ‘messed up’ for whatever reason. You don’t tell people ‘3’ times that you have mailed something. <<< That makes Zero sense at all.

Unless a Priest is in the room with your sobbing family bedside; you simply get back to the other person and tell them, ‘Sorry about the delayed shipping. I am really screwed up right now and cannot ship yet. Period. That is just common courtesy.

You either sent it or you didn’t send it. Why should a health issue make a person say they sent something 3 times when they didn’t most likely send anything?

…DONT… like in a Capital DONT; send anything without sending a Tracking number within an hour of sending a package. If you send a package; send the tracking number ASAP. There is no reason not to.

If somebody can’t provide you with a tracking number; ask them when they shipped and how they shipped and a copy of the receipt.
Part of any deal should be the swapping of tracking numbers. No reason for alternate excuses. Health issues do not give you credit to misrepresent the facts.

I have a Great link to this kinda silliness. I already sent the link to All of you guys. Did you get it yet? I sent it three times.

Maybe you will get it once I feel better?

Watch your mail and hold your breath and pray for me.
