Anyone else's family hate yoyos?

My whole family is fine with it. I think they like it at least they say they do… xD

Even got one of my older brothers to start. C=

My family enjoys my yoyoing. They like to watch me progress and win talent shows/ go to contests etc. The only thing they don’t really like is if I trade and don’t pay my shipping costs. Also they like me to save my money rather than spend but still allow me to buy as long as I have the money.

Yeah my parents don’t like trading either. They think I’m ungrateful if I get a yoyo and trade it in a week. Even when I buy the yoyo my self. My mom has pretty much told mr straight up that she won’t buy me yoyos is I’m just going to trade them at the next yoyo club meet.

sounds like my family

My family’s fine with it. My sis thinks I’m obsessed, and my dad can’t believe I don’t get tired of yoyoing when I yoyo like three hours straight. My mom doesn’t care really, but she watches sometimes.

Well, it seems we are alike.

My mom and dad hate it cuz they think it makes to much noise. My older brother yoyo’s but he thinks i’m really obsessed but my little bro ignores it most of the time but every once in a while when i’m throwing he’ll say cool trick or when i’m watching a vid thats cool