Anyone do Balisong? (Butterfly knife)

This is another thing I’ve found very cool and interesting. But I haven’t had the chance to actually get into it.

Anyone here do it?

Ive seen it, Just looks kinda dangerous and it looks like you’ll get cut lol.
Looks prettty cool non the less.

I have dabbled with it. It definately has a chance to be bloodier than yo-yoing. Not necessarily more painful though. A metal throw that responds when not expected its pretty darn painful in its own right. That said, I do suggest getting a dull trainer knife -they have same models as one you may have as ur main- to practice some of the more dangerous moves first.

Good luck. Let me know if you have ?'s

Ps. I am not an expert. Little past beginner at best

I do that because my dad shows me he is amazingly good.

that look enterjetic im lazy LOL

I do, but my mom doesn’t exactly like the whol knif thing I’m getting a baliyo at worlds in a few days

Tugger “the tug boat” tuggerson, does balisong!? You gotta show me some next time we are both at allyoyo.

I’ve always been interested but never actually bought one, I made a trainer but it kinda sucked.

My friends use the less dangerous butterfly pen:P

I can do one basic sideways open. I’m sure it has a special name that I don’t know. That’s it.

thefluteninja: you needed to copy A Soviet Locust’s image file into your reply. :wink:

I’ve learned a few tricks on it but I used a practice one that was basically blunt because it’s illegal to have one in California.
Still worked great.