I write and eat left handed, but throw and do most sports right handed. Never gave it any thought when starting to yoyo. I probably went with the right as a throwing motion was required.
I write eat and play guitar left handed but throw right handed
Cool. Why do you throw righty…do you do all sports related stuff righty? It seems a that a few people who do that, feel their right side is stronger. Is it the same for you?
I throw balls right handed but shoot archery left handed. I just feel more comfortable throwing right handed and It does actually feel stronger.
This just convinced me to throw ambidextrous, even though I am a newb that can hardly throw lefty.
I am very much a right handed person. Other than yoyoing, I do very little with my left hand. Using my left hand for anything, but yoyoing makes me feel like I’m 3 years old again
One thing that I found interesting was that looping felt a bit easier to me. Since I normally yoyo with my left hand it felt normal to loop with that hand. Looping with my right hand felt normal to, because it’s my dominant side. I felt I had a little bit of an advantage, because I didn’t have to work as hard to get my right hand used to looping.