Huge fan of kershaws, and balisongs.
Daily has been this kershaw lucha with flytanium handles. Top teir knife imo and good daily.
Huge fan of kershaws, and balisongs.
Daily has been this kershaw lucha with flytanium handles. Top teir knife imo and good daily.
This is a Amazon knock off that I swapped the plastic scales for micarta scales (Also Amazon).
I have been EDC’ing this for about 4 months. I felt a little odd putting my Benchmade that I carried for over a decade into the night stand.
However, for the price it would cost to replace that 1 knife, I can buy about 10 of these.
So far so good. It has seen the stones a couple times (I am a snob). But it is holding up well.
Definitely a light duty design, but very good at the daily task needs.
If I need something more robust, I will be pucking something else out of the drawer.
I have even purchased another for my son and a mini for my daughter.
That’s a good knife, I just don’t like complications in my weapons. That been said wait till you see what shows up next week. It’s in damn Stockton.
As far as a weapon no. Having flare when it whip out in the shop yes.
Plus me mitts serve me well on my daily edc weapon
Ohhhh very nice love damascus
do any of you guys actually make blades? I’ve been wanting to get a kitchen knife blade blank and make myself a nice handle for it, and it would be cool to support a fellow yoyoer
Its no my to do list some day.
Just need a Forge and Belt Grinder.
I commend you. Its a Lot of work, actual physical labor. It’ll keep you in shape that’s for sure. Good luck!
That’s expensive part haha. Also the burns.
My uncle does blades sometimes. I always wanted to learn and I designed my own blades for years. Nothing came of it and I have the creativity of a bathroom tile now so, oh well.
I have purchased materials for a Ammo Can Mini forge. Have several Straight razor designs and a BBQ knife design. I have the Steel and handle materials.
The grinder has been holding me back for years.
Im not scared of the work.
On a side note I did score a grail last night along with the Damascus.
Oh ho ho this is sick and a memory unlock for me lol.
That’s amazing! Congrats!
I made this one from a blank, Hawaiian Koa for the scales.
I have a Matt White 3 1/2” slojd blade that should be shipping in the next couple weeks, I’ll build my own handle for that.
I have most everything I need to make my own knives, just too many other things taking up my time. About to start a new career, so it’ll probably be a bit before I get to forging knives.
Nice work!
Shuffle, right? Or am I mixing it up with another? It’s been so long since I kept up on knife stuff. Whatever it’s called, I have a couple black ones and think they’re great little knives haha
And it has an adult beverage opener!
Shuffle one! I love mine. I’ve had the one and the two, but the one was a gift so it gets used more. Neat little thing.