Any idea on plane control

I used to think of “plane control” to mean keeping the yo-yo from tilting sideways with respect to the ground. When I do a trick that has a few back and forth string landings in it, the yo-yo stays upright ok (with effort sometimes of course), but that vertical plane seems to rotate left a bit with every step of the trick (i.e. counterclockwise if you’re looking down from above) so I end up facing 90 degrees or more to my left than when I started the throw. Any idea what causes that and how to work on keeping it from happening?


Practice with a high wall yoyo. You’ll get good at throwing straight surprisingly fast.


Yo-yos will normally precess (turn) a bit. It sounds like you’re having to adjust the yoyo bc it’s tilting forward or backwards and adjusting it back to straight is going to make the Yoyo turn more. Try to play cleaner like hit the walls less. A slimline highwalled yoyo will help teach that.

When I think plane control I think of the yoyo on the trapeze sandwiched between two invisible walls of glass. That’s the plane you want keep the yoyo in.

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Pano/diorama are great for learning this. Bolt xp and sliver are two others that come to mind


Throw harder (faster spin), make sure your string is neutral, it’s going to eventually spin to the left, you can only do things to delay it.


I’m sry but this made this pop in my head


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Thanks man . Will do that

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I appreciate you all for the great advice . Will work towards that