Just over this last summer, our family had 7 cats, well… we started with just one cat, but the neighbors had a cat… bada-bing bada-boom! We now have 7 cats.
Now, we didn’t really need 7 cats, so we gave 3 of them to a family friend (their cats are doing well). So, now we have 4 cats. Great! We live on a farm, so the cats really helped keep the mice out of the house. I for one, was glad to have them.
Then, we woke up one morning, and went outside to feed our cats. We looked around, and noticed mama was gone. This year we had a Bald Eagle’s nest on our property; we all think one of them snatched her up…
Well, okay then… three cats now!.. well… they were all picked off as well… one by one, about one every two months, in fact.
Well, come July, and we have no more cats. We tried to convince our parents to get one or two more, but we all quickly realized that would probably be some form of animal cruelty.
Winter is fast approaching, and I’ve already heard mice in the house… this is going to be a fun winter, surely full of breaking my fingers trying to set mouse traps.