Any fans of bourbon? Adults only please

Saw the craft beer topic and made me want to speak about my love for bourbon.

I live on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee and drink in moderation, never to get drunk. I am always one to try and save money, especially when it comes to hobbies.

That being said, I also like to find the absolute best product for the absolute lowest amount of money. We all have different tastes and availability in our areas. If Weller 12 was available I’d splurge and drink that, but since it isn’t, I like the below.

Old Grand Dad Bottled in Bond - For some reason it just hits all the right notes and stands up well in a cocktail or on ice.

Very Old Barton 100 -. This is my daily, if you can find it, it’s definitely worthy. If you can’t find it in your area, Wild Turkey 101.

JW Dant, JTS Brown or Heaven Hill 6 year 90 proof - likely only going to find it in Kentucky, but it is such a nice budget option. Evan Williams Bottled in Bond if you don’t live in Kentucky holds up great too.

Feel free to chime in. These are value options which I frequent, but if you’re into the more expensive bourbons, I’d be happy to hear what you like. My local store has a lottery going soon on the below gems.


My favorite bourbon is Bulleit Rye (does that actually count as bourbon?) but it’s high-dollar for me at $28 a bottle, usually I drink Jim Beam. Sometimes I roll the dice on a cheaper brand that I’ve never heard of, usually I’m disappointed.



I know little about Rye, but I will say if you like Jim Beam, try some Old Grand Dad Bottled in Bond ASAP, they are from the same distillery.

Only rye that tasted okay to me was Rittenhouse, it made a mean Old Fashioned.


I’ve been a fan of Japanese whiskeys lately tbh. Have a very fruity taste to them but aren’t sweet like rum.


I love Nikka Coffey Grain and Nikka From The Barrel


I’ve been looking for a new bourbon to try. Just finished the last bottle of Jim Beam and my turkey 101 handle is almost depleted and that’s been my regular. I tried Buffalo Trace after watching that documentary about bourbon and loving that guy that gives the tours at Heaven Hill or wherever BT is made, but it didn’t seem noticeably better than anything else I’ve tried. I always see Old Granddad, but never tried it. It’s always on the bottom shelf and **** in the movie The Lost Weekend (a pro-temperance film about an alcoholic), they kind of smear it. When the main character is going off the wagon, he makes a beeline for the liquor store and buys two bottles of rye, saying something like “you know what I want, the cheap stuff” and the clerk hands him two bottles of Old Granddad (apparently they make both rye and bourbon).

**** correction, it was actually Old Overholt in that movie. Got my "Old"s confused. :slight_smile: Not even sure if OGD makes a rye.


I enjoy various forms of whisky. I haven’t tried a lot of actual bourbon yet, just Wild Turkey 101 and some flavored Jack Daniels.

But I’m always open to recommendations. Been assuming to try some Japanese whisky next. Current ones I’m drinking are Jameson, Highland Park 12 year, Glenlivet Caribbean and Wild Turkey along with the Cinnamon and Honey Flavored Jack Daniels.


Buffalo Trace is actually made at the Buffalo Trace distillery. If you like Wild Turkey maybe try Rare Breed, although it’s a bit more expensive. Evan Williams Bottled In Bond is good, Four Roses Small Batch and Single Barrel are good. Buffalo Trace is decent but definitely overhyped. I wouldn’t pay more than $20 or $25 for it. You can get good bourbon for decently cheap and you can also pay a lot for mediocre bourbon.


I’m a makers Mark ambassador for life. Had my own barrel and was invited to the distillery to bottle it, red wax and all.
Every year for Christmas they send me a quaint present.


I will say that Wild turkey is a bazillion times better than Buffalo Trace in my book.

In regards to Old Grand Dad, the 80 proof and 114 proof taste awful to me, but if you can find a bottle of the 100 proof Bottled in Bond, it is amazing.


My Dad is a Makers ambassador as well. He was drinking it exclusively until he found out about Weller. Now he switches between the two (when he can find Weller.)

He tried Makers 101 the other day for the first time and loved it. I got him the below for Christmas. It’s payback for him getting me drunk (for the first time in 15 years) on my birthday with a bottle of Stagg Jr, lol


I think I have 2 years left on my Makers Barrel to come of age.

Wild Turkey overall is my favorite, 101 and any of the Russell Reserves or Rare’s. But Weller, Elmer T Lee, Stagg are my other favorites.


I will whole heartedly second Old Grandad. That’s always on hand for cocktails at my house. It’s funny to bring out because people think it’s cheap and looks tacky (it is. and it does…), but it has surprisingly smooth flavor with lots of caramel/spice notes that really pairs well with just about any whiskey cocktail. I love over ice with a splash of Amaro and bitters. It’s pretty decent just neat or over rocks too.

If i’m talking sipping bourbons i’m going with Basil Hayden or Makers usually.


Do you get the Bonded or 114? I’ve had the 114 and it’s very good. I’m more of a rye drinker. I love High West Double Rye and Rendevouz. Old Forester rye is good but I can never find it.


Mostly Scotch for me.
For Old Fashioneds I use Woodford Reserve Rye.


I could drink OGD BIB with coke exclusively for the rest of my life and never be sad about it. So glad to see someone else loves it too.

I saw you mention you like Makers, I do as well, something about a wheated bourbon, but I’m a cheap skate, lol. I’m on the hunt for a good budget wheated bourbon. I saw Old Fitzgerald Prime going for twenty bucks a handle, I’m going to make that my next purchase and report back.


With these two sentences, @Grendel instantly became my hero.


I’m a fan of Islay scotch myself. However, Wild Turkey 101, Makers Mark, and Basil Hayden are all bourbons I enjoy when I turn to bourbon

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I like the Islays I’ve tried, Laphroaig, Ardbeg and Lagavulin, their standard bottlings. They’re also very interesting mixed with coke, lol.


I was told by a distributor that Old Grandad 114 proof is Basil Hayden cask strength. Good stuff.