Ano flaws on your new Gorilla?

So I got my Hspin Gorilla today and the first thing I noticed before I even put it together was an ano flaw on one of the halves. Upon closer inspection I found 8-10 flaws of various sizes! Anyone else notice this? For $40.00 I’m not that upset but I will certainly think twice about paying full price for a Hspin :frowning:

None. You obviously had a problem w/ packaging, or perhaps it was overlooked.

Mine looks just fine :slight_smile:

To avoid any confusion, $40 was not that yoyos original full price. This does not mean the ano flaws are acceptable, I’m just letting you know.

mine was fine, as well as many others, maybe yours was just an odd one out of the bunch?

think of it as a birthmark :smiley:

Yep, I know $40 was heftily discounted, sorry for my bad word choice. I just meant to say that I will be less likely to pay full price for a Hspin. Too bad, Hspin makes a great playing yoyo. Well I’m glad that this at least appears to be limited to my Gorilla.

lol about the birthmark, even though it’s numbered 387, I guess it is one of a kind!

Thanks all for the comments

Nope, None.
Same with both of my G&E4s.
Good anno on all of them.

None of the 4 HSpin yoyos I’ve owned came with any ano flaws.

Mine just smells bad ::slight_smile:

Then don’t sniff it.
That’s my advice.

You don’t give your yoyos a sniff prior to throwing? :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually lick them all around first.

That’s barbaric! I prefer to hold my yoyos up to my ear and give them a little knock - like you would a melon. Tells you volumes. Volumes.

mine dosent have any

Mine has (or had until I used it for 5A) none.

Mine was perfect except the outer edge was extemely sharp, so I put it on a lathe and toned it down. It now has a very thin silver line on the edge.
Also the bearing is smaller than I’m used to.