you won’t know before purchasing except that every purple amazon i got (4 ) all new mold. you can tell by the markings once you get it.
Is the purple one the only (Amazon) one that is coming out of the new mold?
@zslane According to @bjardin, they didn’t make a purple version of the current butterfly. This colour is exclusive to A. and was produced with the new mold.
Yes it is a bit heavier, but also the plastic feels and sounds denser. It is supposed to be a higher quality grade of plastic and you can feel the difference in hand. Even just tapping it with a finger nail, it sounds higher pitched and less hollow. Almost like glass.
If Duncan never made the old (current? this is very confusing) Butterfly in purple, then why/how does the purple Amazon-exclusive model have the old silkscreen graphics on it? I thought the ones coming out of the new mold all have the new graphics. Is that not the case?
I agree it’s confusing to me too. I think it’s from a mock up. - I bought one and it is the new 2020 mould. Everybody else had the same result.
So I presume that getting a “new-mold” Butterfly in any other color (than purple), from anywhere except a brick & mortar store where you can look at them in person, is a complete crapshoot based on whether or not the (online) retailer has exhausted their stock of the old version and is now (only) sending out the new ones?
Yes likely, other than any of the new special edition ones like the psychedelics.
they’re about 52g, old ones are about 48g
Y’all a bunch of NERDS
(just kidding btw)
I’m going to have to have a look and see if any of the new ones hit my neighborhood!
I had good find at my local Target store for 3.00 each. 2 pinks, a red, a blue and a couple of Imperials. All were in the same packaging with the 2022 date, did they do a new mould for the Imperials or the same one they have been using?
I actually have a new Imperial in the mail to me in a 2020 package that I can compare it to when I get it next week.
dude how awesome!! green and orange in that shelf!
Is that a hardware store? A pink/green swap would be amazing!
still looking for orange and green ones too…
I take that as a compliment.
I can sang a few for you if you want. The store is just a few block from my house. They had tons of all the colors
thanks for the offer but no need. i’ll find them eventually, its part of the hunt, lol.
Hey @Beverchakus , I would love to take you up on that offer if it still stands! I’m looking for the pink and green Butterflies, if they have them. I tried scouring my local Target and no joy.
If it’s not a Target then they won’t have the pink, but @adamantiumpops may still have one up for grabs?