An unofficial guide to identifying the new Duncan Butterflies

you won’t know before purchasing except that every purple amazon i got (4 ) all new mold. you can tell by the markings once you get it.

Is the purple one the only (Amazon) one that is coming out of the new mold?

@zslane According to @bjardin, they didn’t make a purple version of the current butterfly. This colour is exclusive to A. and was produced with the new mold.


Yes it is a bit heavier, but also the plastic feels and sounds denser. It is supposed to be a higher quality grade of plastic and you can feel the difference in hand. Even just tapping it with a finger nail, it sounds higher pitched and less hollow. Almost like glass.

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If Duncan never made the old (current? this is very confusing) Butterfly in purple, then why/how does the purple Amazon-exclusive model have the old silkscreen graphics on it? I thought the ones coming out of the new mold all have the new graphics. Is that not the case?

I agree it’s confusing to me too. I think it’s from a mock up. - I bought one and it is the new 2020 mould. Everybody else had the same result.

So I presume that getting a “new-mold” Butterfly in any other color (than purple), from anywhere except a brick & mortar store where you can look at them in person, is a complete crapshoot based on whether or not the (online) retailer has exhausted their stock of the old version and is now (only) sending out the new ones?

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Yes likely, other than any of the new special edition ones like the psychedelics.

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they’re about 52g, old ones are about 48g

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Y’all a bunch of NERDS :laughing::smile::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

(just kidding btw)

I’m going to have to have a look and see if any of the new ones hit my neighborhood!


I had good find at my local Target store for 3.00 each. 2 pinks, a red, a blue and a couple of Imperials. All were in the same packaging with the 2022 date, did they do a new mould for the Imperials or the same one they have been using?

I actually have a new Imperial in the mail to me in a 2020 package that I can compare it to when I get it next week.


Came across a whole bunch today! Def the new ones! Super fun!


dude how awesome!! green and orange in that shelf!


Is that a hardware store? A pink/green swap would be amazing!


still looking for orange and green ones too…


I take that as a compliment.

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I can sang a few for you if you want. The store is just a few block from my house. They had tons of all the colors

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thanks for the offer but no need. i’ll find them eventually, its part of the hunt, lol.

Hey @Beverchakus , I would love to take you up on that offer if it still stands! I’m looking for the pink and green Butterflies, if they have them. I tried scouring my local Target and no joy.


If it’s not a Target then they won’t have the pink, but @adamantiumpops may still have one up for grabs?

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