So I contacted one drop to see if they had any b grades. To my excitement they did. They actually had 2 throws i wanted. I expressed that I could only swing the cost of one of them. I mentioned the reason was that I had another kid on the way any day and the additional yoyo would potentially send my wife through the roof. I have enough toys in her opinion possibly. Lol.
So 2 days later my package from one drop arrived. In there was the b grade I ordered and as I was rifling through the package there was a 2nd throw. The other throw I was interested in. At first I thought there was a miscommunication. Then I read the note that stated: “Benchmark on me. Happy fatherhood my friend. Regards, David”
This was an amazing gift from them. I can say that I have always enjoyed their products and have a few, but this was way over the top awesome!
Kudos to one drop and there amazing team!
Next time I’m heading through Oregon I will make it a point to stop by.