Amplified Return Tops - Official News

im super pumped… cant wait to play theses things.

Any video clips of the making of the Shout? Great photos. :wink:

No video. Only photos. That’s a great idea for next time!

Yea do a Shout doccumentary

A shout documentary at this point wouldn’t make since.

I could do a orator or whisper documentary in the future.

How do you guys feel about 7075?

Yes do it!!!

7075 would be amazing…

1st run Shouts are already being machined, so no 7075 won’t be available this first time around. I was think of making the next project in 7075 only.

If ppl ask for 7075 shouts I’ll consider it.

i just hope the costs arent insanely high…


All I can say is that costs will be proportional.

If 7075 cost me $10 more per yoyo expect it to cost around $10 more than 6061.


Oh boy

Generally looooove 7075. Not as much a fan when the same yoyo is machined but with different material (the 7075 version is just heavier), but as a material for consideration right from the design phase, it gets a big “yuss” from me. Out of my favourite yoyos, Krown, Valor, and Nomad are all 7075… that’s a pretty good touchstone for me. :wink:

Greg, i think you and me are going to be dropping some money on amplified…

@Greg The plan for my next project, the Orator, is for it to be 7075 only.

I’d make 7075 shouts if there was a large demand for them.

^There ain’t really a demand for 7075 Shouts, but this colorway that Kitchy posted on facebook. OMG!!!

i disagree, if several people say they want them then why shouldn’t he?

I was just stating that there was no demand for them. But, if a few people say they want one, by all means, he should make them.

People Wanting one is a consumer "demand"right?
Are you contradicting yourself, or basically saying something like 1+2=4-1