Amplified Return Tops - Official News

Abby! I can still (barely) remembering you stumbling your way through your first intermediate string tricks, and now look at you! Very impressive stuff there.

Can’t wait to see more about the Shout!

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thanks Greg! For the past few months I’ve been really trying to develop my style I guess it’s been paying off.

Ok I’m finally gonna post in this thread I’ve been trying really hard not to so I wont tempt myself because I know I don’t have money to buy one. But I gotta say Gocrazy yo got a really good company going it looks like a really good yoyo too.

Congrats. And no i wont be buying these unless I get super rich all of a sudden just wanted to hop in and say nice job

Credit card #: 000000000000
Payal login: imadoogus (password is: burglar)
Social Security: 00000000
Side of fries is on the way.

I don’t think that JD is with yyj anymore.

I was unsure about JD, but I know Bryan is definitely still on the team.

The contest that was planned for Mid April will not be happening. I’m saddened by this. There is no longer a prize. Without a prize there can be no contest.

I originally planned to give away a mint custom ano’d shout prototype away during an instagram picture contest. Work that came back from an anodizer had induced vibe. I’m not giving away a vibey yoyo.

I really wish I had paid for more protos… :’(

I’m also looking for a new anodizer. If you have any suggestions my ears are open!

sounds like a sad day…

That’s very sad. Have you tried Kitchy yet? Also, you have the two test yoyos coming back to you after I’m done testing them and you can try those out for anodizing and do another contest in May.

have you tried England1414? he seems like a really solid dude when it comes to anodizing.

I am not giving away a yoyo that is anything less than mint. Tester prototypes aren’t mint anymore.

Kitchy did ano my personal shout, and what was to be the contest shout. I do not have any problems with him personally or professionally. I have just decided to go a different direction with this initial run. I do plan to work with him in the future.

I have yet to contact England1414. Didn’t he ano Tropic Spins Capricorn?

Yes he did. But may by that’s a good thing he has previous experrience

qq, but good decision though considering it has vibe

From what I remember he made a LOT of capricorns vibey too. I have nothing against him but I wouldn’t reccommend him.

maybe just send a polished shout then as a prize? or one with a clear coat on it? :-\

I don’t have anymore mint shout prototypes. There won’t be a contest until after production…

oh okay well hope all goes well then!!

[size=36pt]Meanwhile at Foxland Precision…

[size=36pt]Production has begun…

Looks great, as always