Amplified Return Tops - Official News

my fave is spider man but that colorway might get confozed with superman…

Iron Fist,

Hm. The Shout looks pretty sweet. Awesome colorways, too.

I hope this company pans out!


Thanks a lot, Owen!

Thanks all. Some of these are going straight to my colorway bank. :wink:

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I can see it now… Gambit buying a Gambit colored yoyo. That would be too sweet

That would be pretty funny.

Just my imaginations for some of those colorways:
Spiderman: Red/Blue Acid Wash with Silver Speckle
Iceman: Aqua/Silver Acid Wash
Superman: Blue w/ Red and Silver Splash
Wolverine: Yellow/Dark Blue Acid Wash
Flash: Red/Yellow Acid Wash

The only problem is: a lot of them may end up looking very similar.

Would love this white/shiny ice color:

I would totally be up for that. ;D

Do you have a gambit from 2s yoyos?

I do indeed! Joey hooked me up with one of the raw 7075s from the first run. :slight_smile:

So, what’s next on the horizon for Amplified eh? Started working on your next design?

The Orator

This is our next project. I hope to have prototypes in hand in October. The design has been tweaked a bit since it was first discussed here. The Orator will still be a mid-sized competition worthy brawler, but made in 6061. 7075 would have driven up my costs and limited my color palette.

The Specs
Diameter: 54mm
Width: 42mm
Mass: 65g
Gap: 4.5mm
Bearing: C Size

I’m scouting for testers. Discuss!

^ Looks awesome

I think it will be a very good finger spinning throw

Looks great!

hmm i want a some more of that cup… i cant tell if the inside is an indention or if it goes out… my personal preference would also to put a little more rim weight on it… just cause im a rim weight guy but the overall design looks very good… im a big fan of these kinds of shapes and i really want to get my hands on one…

My turn to help you out. Send me an email.

Looking good Amplified!

I have my fourth Shout on the way folks. And, guess what color I’m getting next? I’m looking forward to seeing that Orator come to life.

What do I get if I guess right? :smiley:

I was thinking a forum pat on the back? :wink:

I wonder if any of the Shout colors will become a regular with Amplified, and appear in every run, including Orator, sort of like a signature colorway. So far, I have jamboree, cosmos and U.S.A. I’m waiting for one more. ;D