aMAYzing YYF sale

Spoil it in the spoiler thread! Lol

I want to know if the Superstar guess is right, or if y’all got trolled with an Axolotl :laughing:


I was hoping for the Abyss to go on sale and was quite happy to see it available today. The Wangle would’ve been my other pick but that was already sold out.

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Replay has never won worlds only nats. Im pretty sure each YoYo has to have been used to win worlds not just the player.

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Alright, my first package came in the mail today so here are my initial thoughts:

  • Glow Arrow with weight rings: I mostly just picked this one up because it’s a glow yoyo and I don’t have one of those yet. For a plastic it feels quite heavy, although the spin-time/stability are a bit below average - not bad, but not outstanding either. I do like the profile and the width however. I would say that it feels very direct in play, very solid, and can move a bit faster than its initial weighty feeling would suggest. The fingerspin dimples are a gimmick that don’t really work - if you don’t hit it dead on, it just spins out on the graphics surrounding the dimple. All in all it definitely feels like a very mid-school plastic, reminiscent of the Northstar/Protostar (which makes sense given its construction) so if you like that style of yoyo it might be worth a look. Just not a very “modern” yoyo.
  • Kommune: this one deserves the hype. It’s just a very comfy yoyo. It also has a bit of weight to it, although it is not overbearing. It leans slightly towards the more solid side, but does have a hint of float to it. One thing is that the size makes it surprisingly maneuverable for more techy stuff. Since it is a true high-wall the stability isn’t crazy, but not bad either, and it can spin for a long time and for this archetype I would say it’s more than performant enough. I would say it’s more of an all-arounder, not too crazy at any one thing but not truly lacking anything either. Definitely one that just encourages you to chill out and not think too hard, and for $10 it’s an absolute steal.
  • Overthrow: Yeah, this one deserves the bad reviews. I was intrigued by the construction, but for a big, heavily rim-weighted yoyo it just feels kind of flimsy in play. It doesn’t feel all that powerful and mine literally has a bit of a rattling sound - maybe that’s just the bearing though. It really could use more weight to it to give some presence on the string as it just doesn’t give a lot of feedback when moving around. IDK, it just feels kind of cheap to me. Just goes to show that there is more than rim-weight when it comes to making a good, high-performing yoyo.

I’m excited to try the Gen Pop and Abyss when they arrive since those are both ones that I’ve been curious about.


Quick review after throwing everything for a second:

Made in Mesa fingerspin: If you know how to fingerspin, it’s easier to do on most normal yoyos than this polycarb cap. As far as being a yoyo, very bland. I can see why it doesn’t have a name and didn’t make it to a production run.

45: Same style fingerspin cap. The yoyo itself is light and provides an interesting combination of fast and floaty that is fun to play, though the spin time is subpar. CLYW’s Ditch is both a better performer and more pocketable.

Northstar fingerspin: I’ve heard nothing good about this Northstar but it plays fine and dandy to me. For $5 in the color of my choice with a CT bearing (my favorite), this was a steal. As far as fingerspins, lackluster just like the previous two.

Trust Ben fingerspin: If what you actually wanted was a fingerspin yoyo, this one is a good fingerspin yoyo. It’s also just plain a good yoyo.

Overthrow: This yoyo is awesome! It has a comfortable hand feel reminiscent of the Mutant DNA but the play is about the opposite. Sadly it does feel kinda cheap/brittle like it might break, which I’ve never felt about a yoyo before.

Trust Ben bimetal: I don’t like wide yoyos because I find the hand feel uncomfortable. But for $50, I looked at this as renting it. If you do things that wide yoyos are good for, this might be your dream yoyo. It plays great. Almost surely the ugliest colorway of any yoyo I’ve ever owned. Amusingly, it fingerspins significantly better than 3/4 fingerspin yoyos I purchased.

All my yoyos came with CT bearings. I tried the first couple yoyos with the YYF string but it’s so jarringly bad that I had to switch to Zipline to feel like I was giving the yoyo a fair shake.

Looking forward to what is offered throughout the rest of the month but gonna be a lot more picky going forward. All this stuff is gonna end up on the BST. Only things I really want from YYF are some really old things and a cracked black ano Metavity, and I expect none of that to show up. I actively want the Genpop and JDS Genesis as yoyos I think I’d genuinely like and might keep, but I’m not buying random colors. I’ll wait for them on the BST.


Pry the caps off of the Northstar, trust me. Can confirm that my Overthrow cracked but it was fun while it lasted.


What shipping method did you guys choose, I did free shipping and my stuff is still in chandler. I’m assuming something got screwed up with the combining of multiple orders🤷‍♂️

Spoil it here please

Does it just become a regular Northstar? I’m bigly a fan of the blue/black marble colorway

What shipping method did you guys choose, I did free shipping and my stuff is still in chandler. I’m assuming something got screwed up with the combining of multiple orders

I just went with the free shipping. Forgot to ask them to wait until the end of the week to send everything together and save themselves money so they sent 2 packages. In Socal, so the packages only had to travel a short distance.

Doesn’t sound right reach out to

That’s wide :flushed::woozy_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


I totally love the Kommune I got!


$35 open box IQ is an insane deal


I know I wish I had waited a day lol. I’ve been wanting to try an IQ for a while. They also have Will on sale 1/2 off which is an absolute banger, anyone who’s been interested in that one should definitely give it a go.


Almost got the edge but I’m going to wait for something else

I’m excited for my day one purchases to arrive

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Photo sample means they were used as models for their store?

the bimetals looked like they had some neat deals. i probably would have tried at one of the 10-dollar ones just to give away at club if I was on so I’m happy I wasn’t even tempted lol.

There was definitely some good deals today! Glad im not too tempted though.

I’m still waiting for my Day 1 Trust Ben. Tracking shows it arriving today but it says in transit to a facility, so im thinking ill get hit with a delivery delay smh.

Ive got the mystery bundle coming, i hope its one of the gold beyonds or the black and white fade, not the green one lol. Glad i got the bundle since he listed the beyonds for $50 today, so I basically got a free northstar and a kommune for like $5 extra. (Kommune to get over the shipping threshold).

Its going to be tempting to grab a looper deal, but im saving the rest of my budget for the Shutter Elite, im going in y’all. Red :eyes:, but still debating lol.

These 3 bimetals are going to be my best yoyos for a long long time lol.

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Holy. I thought the IQ bundle was a good deal. I hope you guys copped the open box for $35. I’ll never sell mine on the BST now :rofl:

Had to pick up a Moonlight for $45 since it’s one I legit want to try and color choices were available. Tossed in a CT bearing for $5 for free shipping. I mean another Northstar. Didn’t feel like emailing them asking to hold the package until my next order.