aMAYzing YYF sale

Same :grin:

Certainly some cheap H options put on there today, but yeah, that potential Edge Beyond for $45 is hard to beat.

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Is there like an actual page for this? If I look at the for sale page it’s missing some listings and the only other way to see everything is to search “amayzing”. Didn’t know if I was just doing it wrong.

I will DM you a link. You can catch the live streams on YouTube or insta or fb.

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I think Ben mentioned that he forgot (or just didn’t) tag some yoyo as “on sale”. So searching amayzing is the way



I just go to the store page and sort by new.

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Sherpa sold out quick. California kind of in a Peakish sort of way, still plenty of Kommunes as well.

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Thanks. I ordered a Kommune on day one. If I like it then I may get another color and half swap.


My wallet hates me.


$50 for free shipping really messing my “strategic purchase” mindset up


Hopefully this clearance will pave the way for Yoyofactory to up their game. Although I loved the IQ, I feel that Yoyofactory has been cranking out lots of yo-yo’s that fall squarely in the “meh” category lately. This sale seems to confirm my suspicion. Even at these low prices - nothing is piquing my interest.


For the most part I agree but I feel like we just aren’t their target audience anymore. To their credit they are doing by far the most to attract newcomers to yoyoing and I think the new wide yoyo is really fun.


I gave in and copped a genpop. I’ve been curious about it and you can’t beat the b grade price rn. I’m hoping for a wild deal on some 720s too


Ben mentioned that they’re clearing more recent dead stock and older color ways out - now that the older grails are all sold.

But I agree, their last “big” yoyo was probably the Edge series? Maybe Wangle? Not sure what came out first.

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“ 2 world titles - one stupid low price” I think its a Shutter Elite and a Replay Pro because Gentry has 2 world titles and Evan only has one.

Probably shutter evo if we go by hype

Northstar and Edge


On Friday’s live stream he said he wasn’t doing anything with the Sutter Evo. Said he wants them to get a year of dust.

I think it’s more about not distracting from the Shutter Elite drop this month.


I believe the fingerspin Trust Ben is sitting on my doorstep

Shall I spoil it?