aMAYzing YYF sale

I figure someone’s gonna spoil it soon enough lol.

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I kind of like the yoyos wrapped up in that YYF tissue paper. Fits the blowout theme of their sale and seems to protect enough.

It was just a pouch inside an envelope haha

I don’t feel like dming everyone so I’ll just say it’s exactly what you’re expecting and it’s pretty good. Very floaty.


:slight_smile: pouch is pretty good…:slight_smile:


monster r rype bi metal?

Features my guess if you dont want it spoiled dont look



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Very nice!

I ended up ponying up for the blind championship bundle assuming its an Edge Beyond in there.

Im looking for a hard H shape and got a lot of good suggestions, but none of them really beat that deal.

Now im trying to decide if im going to do more aMAYzing deals, or just take the full bimetal plunge and grab Gentry’s new shutter.

Those 3 bimetals and im set for life :laughing:.


It came in one piece so can’t complain, but I cringe thinking about it getting thrown around warehouses lol


The new shutter is really good. I got one from the pre-release run and it is fantastic


I’m going to have to print one of the square yo-yos!



Some great options to be had today!

Im skipping the day though, but its tempting.

That damage will probably make someone happy. Lots of Godspeed love. The Sugar looks awesome. Wangles!

Are any of todays options organics? It’s hard to tell with some of them.

Jump on those Rockstar 2012s.

My previous package arrived today and so of course they suckered me by putting up more models I was interested in today… I bit the bullet on an Abyss and GenPop.

This May may be the end of me lmao.


Not sure on hard organics.

The godspeed is a sort of organic/v shape hybrid. Kommune is still available.

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I want the Genpop and “newer Rockstar” which I assume is the JDS one for 25+20 but I’m tired of buying yoyos with no color choice so I’m just gonna pass.

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It’s probably not the JDS one. There was a 2017 edition that retailed for like $40.

The Rockstar 2012s have that classic Genesis feel, made in USA. The one I got in 2020 is dead smooth, but you have to clean all the dried up masking from the splash which is a pain.

I think you could post a pic in this thread and just use the hide function.

Also, anyone know if the Czech Mate and Czech Points are just random (i.e. you’ll get one or the other)? I missed the live chat, so I couldn’t ask Ben. He acted kind of weird about them.

I’ve posted some in the spoiler thread