aMAYzing YYF sale

Its going to be hard making it through the month without buying a lot of yoyos :laughing:. A lot on your list sound awesome.

I successfully resisted everything but the Trust Ben so far.

The kommune is tempting but im trusting that there will be more fun stuff this month to nab instead. Plus id rather own a busker eventually lol. How is the busker BTW? Is it as glorious as it seems?


Sounds awesome! Does it come with a size C bearing?

Thanks for the info! I might just have to.

Wow, literally the exact same here. Besides a Nine-Dragons, I’m hoping to snag my first Edge. I did not need more tempting yoyos to spend money on, YYF! :joy:

I’m totally afraid it’s just going to be a bi Super Wide, possibly with Gentry’s face on it.

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Yep a Flat One and the softer salmon pads


Dud the busker is awesome. Way more capable than I thought it would be for its size. The mobile gamer is so close to a heist and hard to use that I kind of wish I went with a duccling instead but I have no regrets on the busker.

Yeah mostly just into the tiny YoYo fun for the fun factor at YoYo club. I bring the silly case with the silly yo-yos that people question my owning.


Glad to hear! I cant wait to nab the busker!

Yeah the Gamer is tough to use but fun for sure. I turned it responsive so its different than my toonie and duccling because those are better for unresponsive. Good little daily carry that way, although i like to take the pocket rocket out more so i dont damage or lose the gamer lol.


Almost bought a 45 on YYE’s store a couple times and a 444 on the BSTs a couple times, so hoping those show up. I’d snap up a hubstackable Confusion in a heartbeat. I’m always in for a funky gimmick yoyo at a good price.

JDS Genesis, Neo Genesis, Aviator 2 in black or blue would be real swell. Give me the ano flaws or a little vibe, I’m in.

Have sold everything I’ve ever bought during A-May-Zing in the past, but it’s a fun rental period to try new stuff before I sell it for a small loss :rofl:


Get your debit cards ready


So is it 10am Pacific time since Arizona doesn’t follow daylight savings time?

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'Twas the the 15 minutes before A-May-Zing, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse


I don’t think Gentry liked the head cutout yoyo. :joy:


He looked so annoyed!! Lol

To be fair, that picture was cringe :laughing:


It’s not live. The world is ending.

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Just keep refreshing

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Darn. Bettynova was one of my more wanted things and it sold out while I was checking out :frowning: If someone gets a black/dark or white cap and wants to let it go, I’m your guy.

Still found plenty to buy. Couldn’t resist the fingerspin Northstar for $5. The 45 for $10 was an easy grab. The made in Mesa fingerspin looks like a legit yoyo and I went with Trust Ben again.

Make sure you check the regular sales page and the A-May-Zing page, they have slightly different stuff for some reason.

Gonna have a big bundle to sell in June lol


Yea I missed a horizon proto because I was on the sale page

Those Northstars play better if you pry off the finger spin cap.

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Solid fingerspin yo-yos but meh I don’t really enjoy finger spin yo-yos. The liberty is nice though.

Any guesses on the trust Ben? It’s labeled at $25 down from $50. He said it’s available on the website and is very underrated. When I look in the fingerspin section the potential candidates I see are bi metal and superstar.

Skipping today unless he stocks something after the stream.

Im going to guess the finger spin trust ben is the Axolotl but thats just a guess. He marked it $50 discounted to $25. Imma pass on this one, no finger spin yoyos in stock at that price I want except maaayyybe a shutter but meh.

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I have gambled solely on the hope that it’s not actually a $50 yoyo :rofl: